- Only strengthening the party members' socialism core value system education, we could build ideological and moral lines about ACPR. 只有加强党员干部的社会主义核心价值体系教育,才能真正构建反腐倡廉的思想道德防线。
- More emphasis was placed on ideological and moral development. 思想道德建设继续加强。
- ideological and moral lines 思想道德防线
- The traditional method for ideological and moral education is to infuse. 传统式的思想道德教育方法是灌输。
- The traditional method for ideological and moral education is to infuse . 传统式的思想道德教育方法是灌输。
- Rapid devilment of network has brought great impulse and influence to traditional ideological and moral education. 网络的飞速发展,给传统的思想道德教育工作带来巨大冲击和影响。
- The media and publicity work as well as ideological and moral education have kept improving. The people's cultural life has become increasingly rich and colorful. 宣传舆论工作和思想道德建设不断加强,群众精神文化生活日益丰富。
- In order to raise the people's ideological and moral standards, it is necessary to enhance the people's sense of law and concept of rule by law. 19、提高思想道德素质。 增强人们的法律意识和法制观念。
- Patriotism education base for the city, ideological and moral education of minors base, provincial patriotism education bases. 为市级爱国主义教育基地、未成年人思想道德教育基地、省级爱国主义教育基地。
- Therefore, the strengthening of ideological and moral construction of minors, the key is to establish a teacher of high-quality teachers. 因此,加强未成年人思想道德建设,关键是建立一支为人师表的高素质的教师队伍。
- A harmony in a society, a country can achieve long-term peace and stability. All members of society depends to a large extent on the ideological and moral qualities. 一个社会是否和谐,一个国家能否实现长治久安,在很大程度上取决于全体社会成员的思想道德素质。
- The core value system of socialism is the basis for constructing socialism and harmonious society and provides ideological and moral foundation for the concept of harmony. 社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化、构建社会主义和谐社会的根本和基础,为和谐理念提供了及时的思想道德基础。
- We will mobilize all sectors of society in doing a good job of ideological and moral education among young people and create a favorable environment for their healthy development. 深入开展群众性精神文明创建活动,完善社-会志愿服务体系,形成男女平等、尊老爱幼、互爱互助、见义勇为的社-会风尚。
- Have entrepreneurial spirit and dedication, hard, have a higher aim in life and the pursuit of good ideological and moral, pragmatic, realistic, loyal, efficient. 有创业和敬业精神、吃苦耐劳、有较高的人生目标和追求,优良的思想道德,务实、踏实、忠实,工作效率高;
- The network is like a "double-edged sword" to bring more social discourse opportunities and it also bnings the people's ideological and moral concepts and modes of behavior. 摘要网络技术就像一把“双刃剑”,在为社会带来更多话语机会的同时,也给人们的思想道德观念、行为方式带来了巨大冲击。
- This answer seems to be very simple, no lofty ideological and moral standards of artistic accomplishment and the people, certainly the opposite sex naked to understand art as obscenity. 这个答案似乎很简单,没有高尚的思想和艺术修养以及道德水准的人,肯定把异性的裸体艺术当作淫秽来理解。
- This paper expatiated several rational choice to raise ideological and moral standards by building the village library building (room) to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the rural masses. 本文阐述了构建乡村图书馆(室),满足农村群众精神文化需要,提高农民群众思想道德水平和科技文化素养的几种模式。
- This article mainly discussed the meaning and function of ideological and moral construction in building up environmental law enforcement team and enhancement of law executors' personal qualities. 摘要主要探讨了加强思想道德建设,对环境执法队伍建设和提高环保执法人员自身素质方面的作用。
- The ideological and moral teachers of secondary school is not only the disseminator of scientific and cultural knowledge, but also the builder of the younger generation, carrying the glorious mission. 中学思想品德课教师既是社会科学文化知识的传播者,更是年轻一代思想品德的培育者,肩负着光荣的使命。
- What is the line between ideology and values? 意识形态和价值之间的界限为何?