- This equation is known as the ideal gas law. 这个等式被叫做理想气体定律。
- The handwritten manuscript titled "Quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas" was dated December 1924. 命名为"单原子的理想气体量子说"的手稿起始于1924年。
- The density of an ideal gas at constant pressure varies inversely with the temperature. 理想气体在不变的压力下密度与温度成正比。
- Interaction between a reversible engine (A) and a reversible ideal gas Carnot cycle (B). (Illustration courtesy of OCW. 可逆热机(A)和理想气体可逆卡诺循环(B)的相互作用。(图片由开放式课程提供。)
- Understand the principles of the Ideal Gas Law and measure the amount of CO2 gas created in a chemical reaction. 理解理想气体定律和计算在一个化学反应中co2气体产生总量。
- In molecular terms, an ideal gas is a gas whose molecules exert no forces of attraction at all. 理想气体,用分子的术语来讲,是指该气体中的分子之间完全没有引力存在。
- At sufficiently high temperature and low pressure this ratio approaches the value R for an ideal gas. 在足够高的温度和足够低的压力下,这个比值趋于理想气体的r值。
- At the macroscopic level, an ideal gas is defined by a process of extrapolation. 从宏观角度看,理想气体的定义是由推论而得来的。
- The entropy of ideal gas which collapses to a blackhole by self-gravitating is studied. 讨论了理想气体自引力坍缩时的熵,得出与黑洞的熵相近的结论,从而说明了黑洞熵的起源。
- The handwritten manuscript titled Quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas was dated December 1924. 命名为单原子的理想气体量子说的手稿起始于1924年。
- Real gas satisfies approximately ideal gas state equation only in case that the pressure is low and temperature high. 实际气体仅在压力较低、温度较高的情况下近似满足理想气体状态方程式。
- According to thermodynamic principle,this thesis reconsiders the equi librium constant of ideal gas reaction. 本文依据热力学原理;重新审议了理想气体的化学平衡常数.
- We had explained a micro mean of the first law of thermodynamics in a nearly independent ideal gas system. 以近独立单原子分子理想气体系统为研究对象;对热力学第一定律进行了微观阐释.
- There are two paths for establishment of the state equation of ideal gas, to one path, the Joule's law is independent, to the other, it is not. 摘要建立理想气体状态方程有两条途径,沿第一条途径焦耳定律是独立的,而沿第二条途径则焦耳定律不独立。
- The kinetics base of the special relativity. Equilibrium state, basic concept of gas kinetics, pressure equation and temperature equation of ideal gas. 狭义相对论动力学基础;平衡态,气体动理论的基本概念,理想气体的压强和温度公式。
- The pressure ranges from several to tens of MPa in gas transmission, so the natural gas can not be handled as ideal gas in the property calculation. 由于天然气输送中的压力高达几个甚至几十个兆帕,因此,计算天然气的热物性时不能按理想气体处理。
- The definition of ideal gas is discussed. For gaving this definition, none of the equation of state and Joule"s law can be dispensed with. 讨论了理想气体的定义,指出理想气体状态方程与焦耳定律对于定义理想气体是缺一不可的.
- The application of Maxwell velocity distribution law rigidly proves that the statistical proof on the state equation of ideal gas. 摘要应用麦克斯韦速度分布律严格证明了理想气体状态方程。
- Abstract: The definition of ideal gas is discussed. For gaving this definition, none of the equation of state and Joule"s law can be dispensed with. 文摘:讨论了理想气体的定义,指出理想气体状态方程与焦耳定律对于定义理想气体是缺一不可的.
- Application of first law of thermodynamics in course of equal value of ideal gas, cycle process, Carnot cycle, second law of thermodynamics, Carnot theorem. 热力学第一定律对理想气体等值过程的应用;循环过程,卡诺循环。热力学第二定律,卡诺定理。