- By field investigation on the damaged forests in Guangxi ice storm disaster area, the relationship between forest disaster and some factors such as tree species, slope aspect, altitude. 摘要通过对广西冰雪灾区森林受害情况进行实地调查,对树种、坡向、海拔高度等因子与林木受灾的关系进行了探讨。
- ice storm disaster 冰灾
- The ice storm got the rose bushes. 冰雹破坏了玫瑰花丛
- The ice storm caused a power outage. 暴风雪导致了停电。
- Northeast ice storm darkens homes, fills shelters. 东北的冰雹变黑家(庭);挤满庇护所.
- The ice storm got my hibiscus; the cat got the goldfish. 冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。
- In 1998, Ontario residents were crippled by a severe ice storm. 1998年,安大略的居民又遭受了一场残酷的冰暴的蹂躏。
- An ice storm continues to wreak havoc on the Midwest. 一场雪风暴继续对中东地区进行大面积的破坏。
- Sand and dirt storm disaster is such a weather which acc ured in the drought, simi-drought and simi-wetness areas. 沙尘暴天气是主要发生于干旱、半干旱乃至半湿润地区天气现象。
- An unrelenting ice storm. 仍然凛冽的冰雪风景
- Wendigo has taught his tribe the power that lies in harnessing the ice storm, its strength and implacability. 教给他的部族冰暴中蕴涵的力量,那种力度和无情。
- Freezing rain hit Oklahoma on Friday at the start of what forecasters say could be a brutal ice storm. 冻雨袭击俄克拉荷马周五上午开始就预报说什么可以粗暴冰风暴。
- Five days after a devastating ice storm hit Kentucky, almost a half million residents are still without power. 在毁灭性的冰风暴袭击了肯塔基州五天后,大约五十万居民仍得忍受停电之苦。
- A crippling ice storm has coated much of the Midwest, leaving road to mess and power lines down. 一场破坏力强的暴风雪给美国中西部披上了一层厚厚的银装,致使公路污秽,输电线路出故障。
- The state was deluged in winter ice storms when I took office. 我刚刚就职,全州就遭到了冬季的冰风暴肆虐。
- And in northern Wisconsin, a pelting ice storm before dawn on Saturday gave way to a long, slow snowfall the rest of the weekend. 并在北部的威斯康星州,一个可怕,非常非常可怕的冰风暴破晓前,就周六了出路,以长期,缓慢的降雪,其余的周末。
- National Guard troops continue to knock on every door in parts of storm-ravaged Kentucky, looking for ice storm victims in need of help. 国民警卫队部队继续在肯塔基州,暴风雪毁坏严重的地区挨家挨户上门,帮助那些需要帮助的灾民。
- An ice storm in the northeast has left more than a million homes and businesses without power from Maine to Pennsylvania. 布什政府表示希望能够避免美国汽车工业的倒闭,但是却没有采取任何帮助举动。
- After their frothy first films together, Lee went into a dark patch, beginning with the sober domestic drama "The Ice Storm. 首次电影合作后,李安首先是清醒的家庭影片“冰风暴”。
- Taiwan-born Ang Lee, who brought "The Ice Storm" to Cannes in 1997, is back with U.S.-set hippie homage "Taking Woodstock. 台湾出生的李安,于1997年把“冰风暴”带到戛纳电影节,带着对嬉皮士表示敬意的“制造伍德斯托克”回来了。