- Both help us understand better the hemodynamics and pathophysiology of hypoplastic left heart syndrome in these patients. 超音波心图除了是项有力诊断利器之外,本病在超音波心图上的血流特徵,还可以帮助我们了解其血流动力及疾病生理学。
- Prenatal balloon aortic valvuloplasty may improve left heart growth and function, possibly preventing evolution to hypoplastic left heart syndrome. 出生前行主动脉瓣球囊扩张术可能会改善左心生长和功能,可能会阻止进展为左心发育不全综合征。
- From July 1992 to January 1993, a total of 5 cases of hypoplastic left heart syndrome were diagnosed by echocardiograms and confirmed by available angiographic, surgical or autopsy results. 摘要自从一九九二年七月至一九九三年一月,有五例左心发育不全症候群(以下称本病),经由超音波心图诊断,并有一例由心导管,二例由手术证实。
- Repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome 左心发育不全综合征修复术
- The Clinical and Echocardiographic Features of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 左心发育不良综合征的临床及超声心动图特点
- Keywords infant;newborn;hypoplastic left heart syndrome/surery;heart transplantation; 婴儿;新生;左心发育不全综合征/外科学;心脏移植;
- hypoplastic left heart syndrome 左心发育不全综合征
- hypoplastic left heart 左心发育不全
- Aims: Left heart catheterization carries a risk for cerebral complications. 目的:左心导管术存在脑部并发症的危险。
- To find my nightlight,so you can come to your mind ,left heart in my love. 失恋之后,心被压沉。我,一人,面对苍穹,诉说星语。是无尽的夜;
- The variation of P votage is concerned with the burden of left heart. 阳性率提高二倍,P电压的变化与右心负荷程度有关。
- The heart failure was present only in the case with left heart vegetations (15/26, among which 6 at bicuspid vale and 9 at aortic vale). 赘生物致心衰病例仅见于左心系统(二尖瓣赘生物致心衰6例,主动脉瓣赘生物致心衰9例)。
- hypoplastic left ventricle syndrome 左心室发育不全综合征
- Most of the vegetations existed in the left heart (26/31 ,among which 15 at bicuspid valve and 11 at aortic valve). 赘生物多见于左心系统,为26/31(二尖瓣者15/31、主动脉瓣者11/31);其它部位较少为5/31。
- The main causes of the deathwere acute left heart failune (29.7%)and the cere-bropathy of uremia(27. 9%). 死亡原因主要是急性左心衰(29.;7%25)和尿毒症脑病(27
- These patients manifest chest pain, symptoms similar to left heart failure (LHF), and always accompanied by arrhythmia. 其常表现为类似心绞痛、左心衰竭症状,可并发有心律失常;
- We might determine the degree of intracardiac right-to-left shunts according to the contrast echoes of left heart. 根据造影剂在左心显影情况,即可大致判定心内由右向左分流程度。
- With the proper ratio and timing, right and left heart ventricles can be illuminated uniformly. 通过使用适当的比例和时间控制,就能够均一地显示右侧和左侧心室。
- Most of the vegetations existed in the left heart (26/31,among which 15 at bicuspid valve and 11 at aortic valve). 赘生物多见于左心系统,为26/31(二尖瓣者15/31、主动脉瓣者11/31);其它部位较少为5/31。
- The upper lobe vessel can be seen through the density of the aortic arch and the left heart silhouette remains intact. 上部耳垂船能被看见通过大动脉曲拱的密度并且左心脏剪影保留原封。