- hypolemmal nerve ending [医] 膜下神经末梢
- Grueneberg thought it was just a nerve ending. 格吕内贝格认为这只是一个神经末梢。
- Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat. 感觉神经末梢是在乳头上。
- Each cell in a Doluctary muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that deeply intends the sarcolemma. 在横纹肌中的每一个细胞都伴随有一个深深嵌入肉膜的神经末梢。
- Each cell in this type of muscle has associated with it a nerve ending that is deeply embedded the sarcolemma. 这种肌肉里的每一个细胞都伴随有一个深深嵌入肉膜的神经末梢。
- We could see that the nerve endings had degenerated. 我们能够见到这些神经末梢已经退化变性了。
- A nerve ending that carries impulses to a muscle, a gland, or an organ and activates muscle contraction or glandular secretion. 神经效应器一种带动转送到肌肉、腺体或器官并刺激肌肉伸缩或腺体分泌的神经末梢
- Nerve endings relay messages between the skin and the brain. 神经末梢在皮肤和大脑之间分程传递讯息。
- A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure,especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as the carotid sinus. 压力感受器一种感觉神经末梢,被压力变化所刺激,特别指血管壁(例如颈动脉窦)上的压力感受器
- A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure, especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as the carotid sinus. 压力感受器一种感觉神经末梢,被压力变化所刺激,特别指血管壁(例如颈动脉窦)上的压力感受器
- Because nerve ending is apart from a heart,this is further, after the weather is cold vasomotor cause haemal supply deficiency to bring about. 有些人每年都要经历几次慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘。
- The nerve ending of dizzy place of tit, breast is rich, sensory acumen, when producing a tit to chap, ache is acuteness. 乳头、乳晕处的神经末梢丰富,感觉敏锐,发生乳头皲裂时,疼痛剧烈。
- The instep that flabby nerve bestrews nerve ending is very sensitive, undertake massage can relaxation nerve, come up smiling. 松弛神经布满神经末梢的脚背极为敏感,进行按摩可放松神经、重振精神。
- A specialized cell or group of nerve endings that responds to sensory stimuli. 感受器对感官刺激有反应的一种特别的细胞或一组神经末梢
- The experiment suggested that hair cell and its nerve ending as well as marginal cell of SV are the sites liable to be damaged by the ototoxic affect of KA. 实验提示:听毛细胞及其底部的神经末梢、血管纹边缘细胞是卡那霉素耳毒作用的主要部位。
- Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain. 信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。
- On his fingertips Joe has thousands of sensory nerve endings persquare inch. 在乔的手指尖上,每平方英寸的面积内有数以千计的感觉神经末梢。
- On his fingertips Joe has thousands of sensory nerve endings per square inch. 在乔的手指尖上,每平方英寸的面积内有数以千计的感觉神经末梢。
- By binding to cholinergic nerve endings, BTX blocks acetylcholine release. 通过与乙胆碱源神经末端的结合,BTX可以阻断乙胆碱的释放。
- By the s kin of forehead and hip transplanted into the fingers of the forehands,it was obse rved that regeneration of free nerve ending and sensory corpuscles. 通过恒河猴额部与手指掌侧无毛皮肤的相互移植,观察无毛皮肤移植后感觉小体再生过程与再生类别。