- hereditary congenital hypopigmented and hyperpigmented macule 遗传性先天性色素减退和色素沉着斑
- Amyloidosis cutis dyschromica is a rare distinct type of primary cutaneous amyloidosis characterized by the presence of widespread hypopigmented as well as hyperpigmented macules. 摘要色素异常性皮肤淀粉样变性症是原发性皮肤淀粉样变性症的一个罕见而独特的亚型,其特徵是在皮肤出现广泛的色素沉著及色素脱失的斑点;
- hyperpigmented macule 色素斑, 着色斑
- Objective Clinical studies have demonstrated that oral improves hyperpigmented lesions of melasm. 目的探讨疏肝活血中药复方治疗黄褐斑的作用机制。
- Skin biopsy from the macule revealed malignant T-cell lymphoma with skin involvement and concurrent cytomegalovirus infection. 紫斑处之病理切片显示恶性T细胞淋巴瘤侵犯皮肤并合并皮肤之巨细胞病毒感染。
- The location and distribution of the hypopigmented macule remains relatively unchanged for life-long time. 通常表现为先天性、边缘不规则的色素减退斑。
- Pigmentary macule and nodules were shown on his trunk and extremities, and there were hairs on the macule on his back. 皮肤科检查见头面部、躯干部、四肢密集黑色结节,大片状黑斑,皮肤增厚,质软,上有黑色毳毛生长。
- A patch is a large macule, 1cm or greater in diameter, as may be seen in nevus flammeus or vitiligo. 直径大于1厘米的斑疹称为斑片,如见于焰痣、白癜风。
- Histologically, the characteristic lesion of CWP is the so-called coal macule, which consists of a focal accumulation of coal dust surrounded by a small amount of fibrous tissue. 在组织学上,特征性的煤尘肺损伤被称为“煤斑”,包括少量纤维组织及其包裹局灶性的煤尘沉积。
- The another was a 58-year-old woman presented with a solitary light brown macule on the left thigh for 50 years, which enlarged and darkened for one month. 组织病理检查为表皮角化过度,颗粒层增厚,基层灶性液化变性,真皮浅层可见带状炎症细胞浸润。
- Physical and ocular examinations reveal retinal astrocytic hamartoma, adenoma sebaceum, hypopigmented macule, shagreen patch, periunugal fibroma, renal hamartoma and subependymal calcifications. 全身系统检查方面有理学检查,血液学检查,头部电脑断层扫描摄影,心脏超音波,肾脏超音波及皮肤切片病理检查。
- This study suggested that the pain display, local congestion, macule, the enlargement of the lesion proliferation, ulceration and firm of the mass were all the bodements of malignancy change. 白斑出现疼痛,局部充血红斑,损害迅速扩大、糜烂、增殖质硬等,都可能为恶变的徵兆。
- Eliminates appearance of hyperpigmented age spots 降低色斑黑斑的出现机率
- Keywords myxoma;left atrial;macule;palmoplantar; 关键词黏液瘤;左心房;红斑;疼痛性;掌跖;
- Treating Macule Caused by Miscellaneous Disease with Shengma Biejia Decoction 升麻鳖甲汤治杂病发斑
- Ml Lumedia ( Formulated to Help Reduce the Appearance of Hyperpigmented Age Spots ) 一笔勾销精华露(配方含有助减少高色素衰老色斑现象)
- Results There were macule appeared at local skin after suspension of 15 days strong corticosteroid using; 结果:使用强效或超强效激素15天后停药,局部皮肤出现红斑;用药10天后,外用任何强度的激素都可能使皮肤萎缩。
- 3.Skin biopsy from the macule revealed malignant T-cell lymphoma with skin involvement and concurrent cytomegalovirus infection. 紫斑处之病理切片显示恶性T细胞淋巴瘤侵犯皮肤并合并皮肤之巨细胞病毒感染。
- Primary white macule occurred around congenital hairy melanocytic nevus in left arm in case 1 and then multiple white spots appeared in other areas one month later; 例1的初发白斑在左上肢先天性毛痣周围,表现为晕痣,1个月后身体其他部位出现多发白斑;
- hyperpigmented 色素沉着过度的, 着色过度的