- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- A section of liver explant is provided. 切片示切除的肝脏。
- hyperfunction of liver 肝功能亢进
- This belonged to a huge type of liver cancer. 是属于巨块型肝癌
- The growth of liver retransplantation was only 11%. 肝再次移植仅仅增长11%25。
- What should diet of liver ascites patient notice? 肝腹水患者日常饮食应该注意些什么?
- Not all kinds of liver disease are infectious. 并非所有的肝病都传染。
- Resection operation on recurrence of liver cancer. 图为肝癌复发再次切除术。
- Thyreoiditis is an autoimmune disease, which is caused by hyperfunction of. 甲状腺炎是一种自体免疫疾病,是由甲状腺亢进所引起。
- Centaury eases cough, bronchitis, inflammation of liver and eye. 咳嗽、支气管炎、肝脏及眼睛发炎有抑制功效。
- Conduce to the cure of disease of hyperfunction of emphysema, thyroid function. 所有的维生素都是必需的,无法摄取维生素就无法维持生命。
- Bile is produced as a byproduct of liver metabolism. 胆汁是肝脏代谢活动的副产品。
- Glucagon treatment of liver leads to increased autophagy. 用高血糖素处理肝脏,会导制自噬作用增加。
- Resection of whole caudate lobe of liver for tumor inside it. 全尾叶切除治疗肝尾状叶肿瘤。
- Thirdly, the hand points to subtle quiver, hyperfunction of function of gland of shape of common Yu Jia. 其三,手指细微震颤,常见于甲状腺功能亢进。
- Immunoreaction may take part in the mechanisms of liver damage. 免疫损伤可能参与了庚型肝炎的肝脏损伤机制。
- It can cause masticatory flesh function again unusual, wait like hyperfunction of masticatory flesh function, convulsion, tired, ache. 它又可引起咀嚼肌功能异常,如咀嚼肌功能亢进、痉挛、疲乏、疼痛等。
- Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up. 令人痛苦的是,肝癌的发生率还在上升。
- What does the remedial method of liver hemangioma have? 肝血管瘤的治疗方法有哪些?
- The main symptom of hyperfunction of function of the flesh outside the ala is mouth end joint play noise and mouth to show half dislocation greatly too. 翼外肌功能亢进的主要症状是开口末关节弹响和开口过大呈半脱位。