- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。
- The sadness of my soul is her bride's veil. 我灵魂里的忧郁就是她的新婚的面纱。
- hymenial veil 子实层菌幕
- He tried to veil his contempt at my ignorance. 他试图掩饰对我的无知的蔑视。
- They did evil under the veil of patriotism. 他们在爱国主义的幌子下作恶。
- There was a veil of mist over the mountains. 山上覆盖着一层薄雾。
- She took the veil when she was 18. 她十八岁时当了修女。
- The bride's face was covered in a white veil. 新娘的脸上蒙著白色的面纱。
- The women there used to veil their faces in public. 那里的妇女过去在公共场合通常戴面纱。
- He could hardly veil his contempt at my ignorance. 他掩盖不住对我无知的轻蔑之情。
- Mild Evening draws her thin empurpled veil! 温柔的夜晚把紫色的溥幕拉起!
- These are covered in the spore-bearing layer (hymenium). 子实层生于菌褶的两面。
- They prefer to draw a veil over the whole incident. 他们宁可把这整个事件隐瞒起来。
- A veil of mist obscured the view. 一层雾使景色模糊了。
- The veil of the temple is yellow. 圣殿的幕是黄色的。
- At any moment they may break the veil. 这种帷帐随时都有可能被揭开。
- Mary at John's request laid by her veil. 玛丽在约翰的请求下拿掉了面纱。
- Her veil was made from 100-year-old Irish lace. 她的面纱是用有着一百年历史的爱尔兰饰带制成的。
- The land is draped in a veil of mist. 烟雾笼罩着大地。
- Her veil fell over her shoulders. 她的面纱垂在肩上。