- hymen dentatus 锯齿状处女膜
- The hymen considered as a symbol of virginity. 被认为是童贞象征的处女膜.
- Is Hymen pregnant without broken meeting? 处女膜没有破会怀孕吗?
- Become appendicitis operation, is Hymen broken? 做阑尾炎手术,处女膜会破吗?
- Hymen just rose to prevent action. 处女膜恰恰起了预防作用。
- Real hymen and real lost virginity. 真实处女膜和真实失去贞操。
- Broken hymen of your highness I’m left black? 刺穿你高尚的处女膜,远离黑暗?
- But I'm sure that she has a real hymen! 但我敢肯定,她有一个真正的处女膜!
- Rupture of the hymen, typically in sexual intercourse. 处女失身处女膜的破裂,尤指在性交中
- Rupture of the hymen,typically in sexual intercourse. 处女失身处女膜的破裂,尤指在性交中
- What was and is the psychosocial significance of the hymen? 处女膜的心理社会学意义是什麽和曾经是什麽?
- St.Peter's, but check her hymen, it is a minor 7 holes. 但是圣彼得检查她的处女膜时,却现了7个轻微的小洞。
- Some females are really true maiden, and Hymen already burst. 有的女性确实是真实的处女,而处女膜已破裂。
- Be how distant the hymen distance vagina mouth after all? 处女膜距离阴道口到底有多远?
- Purpose: To investigate the CT features of imperforate hymen in adolescence. 总结青春期处女膜闭锁的CT表现。
- Objective To probe into the value of imperforate hymen diagnosed by ultrasound. 目的探讨处女膜闭锁的超声诊断价值。
- The existence of Hymen became the toll-gate of a inspectability function. 处女膜的存在成了一道检验性功能的关卡。
- Besides special status, "Hymen " burst, because,be of the man enter. 除了特殊的情形外,“处女膜”的破裂,都是因为男人的进入。
- I see the Hymen with character guarantee for the first time however. 我倒是第一次看到附有品质保证书的处女膜。”
- The thickness degree of the size of Hymen aperture and film has each different. 处女膜孔的大小和膜的厚薄程度各有不同。