- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has been set up under the Environment and Food Bureau to provide services in the areas of food safety and environmental hygiene. 食物环境卫生署隶属环境食物局,负责提供与食物安全和环境卫生有关的服务。
- The Food Environmental Hygiene Department has been continuously promoting food safety to the trade and public. 食物环境衞生署一直致力向业界及市民推广食物安全。
- Review the prospects of cooked food centres managed by the Food and Hygiene Department. 检讨食物环境生署辖下熟食中心的前景。
- Legal action would be considered, subject to the results of the test," a spokeswoman for the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department said. 是否考虑司法程序则取决于检测结果。"香港食品与环境卫生署发言人说道。
- If you notice any mosquito breeding sites in public places, you may call the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Hotline at 2868 0000. 如发现公众地方有蚊子滋生,可致电食物环境生署热线2868 0000举报。
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is conducting environmental hygiene improvement and vector control operations. 食物环境生署就进行了有关的环境卫生改善和防治蚊虫工作。
- At present 15% the students in middle schools in our country have various mentality health problems,according to the survey of hygiene department. 据我国卫生部门的调查表明,目前我国中学生中有15%25以上的学生存在着各种各样的心理健康问题。
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is considering applying for court orders to close down some foodstalls at Langham Place . 食环署正考虑向法庭申请禁制令,关闭一些无牌食肆。
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) was set up on January 1,2000 to serve the people of Hong Kong in the area of food safety and environmental hygiene. 食物环境卫生署在二零零零年一月一日成立,为香港市民提供有关食物安全和环境卫生的服务。
- The Public Accounts Committee considered in detail report of the Director of Audit on Public markets managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. 政府帐目委员会详细研究审计署署长就食物环境生署管理的公众街市提交的报告书。
- A man was charged by the ICAC and appeared in court for allegedly obtaining cleaning contracts of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department by deceit. 廉政公署落案起诉一名男子,控告他涉嫌以诈骗手法获取食物环境卫生署的清洁合约。
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) was set up on January 1, 2000 to serve the people of Hong Kong in the area of food safety and environmental hygiene. 食物环境卫生署在二零零零年一月一日成立,为香港市民提供有关食物安全和环境卫生的服务。
- A closed circuit television camera has been installed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in the side lane of Sai Yee Street and two offenders were caught red-handed. 民政事务总署在洗衣街后巷装设了闭路电视监察系统,两人即场被拘捕。
- The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for purposes relating to applications for cemeteries and crematoria services. 食物环境生署会利用经本表格所提供的个人资料,处理辖下坟场及火葬场服务的申请事宜。
- The Centre for Food Safety of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department will also step up inspection on the health and hygiene conditions of the chickens imported from the Mainland. 食物环境生署食物安全中心亦会加强检查内地输港鸡只的健康及生情况。
- Contact Kwai Tsing District Market Section at 2421 1425 or Tsuen Wan District Market Section at 2212 9784 of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for clarification on auction matters. 街市档位竞投规则及出租条款或致电食物环境生署葵青区街市组2421 1425或荃湾区街市组2212 9784查询。
- Contact Tsuen Wan District Market Section at 2212 9784 or Kwai Tsing District Market Section at 2421 1425 of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for clarification on auction matters. 街市档位竞投规则及出租条款或致电食物环境生署荃湾区街市组2212 9784或葵青区街市组2421 1425查询。
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department welcomes enquiries, comments, suggestions and complaints about environmental hygiene. You can contact the department by email, by fax, by telephone or in writing. 食物环境衞生署欢迎市民有关环境衞生问题的查询、建议或投诉,市民可透过电邮、电话、传真或邮寄方式联络食环署。
- A foreman of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department responsible for gully emptying duties was jailed for eight months for conspiring to defraud the government by falsifying work records. 食物环境卫生署一名夜更吸渠队管工,串谋以伪造工作纪录欺诈政府,被判入狱八个月。
- Turning to vector surveillance, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department will make public the mosquito breeding index (i.e. percentage of ovitraps found to have larvae laid) on a regular basis. 在传病媒介监察方面,食环署将会定时公布蚊子繁殖指数(显示蚊子产卵的比率),