- hyenas devouring their prey; 猎狗吞下他们的猎物;
- Some hawks and owls bolt their prey whole. 有些鹰类和鸟类把猎获物整个吞食。
- Wolves hunt (ie pursue their prey) in packs. 狼是成群猎食的.
- The lions closed in on their prey. 狮子逼近它们的猎物。
- Have you seen frenzied hunt their prey of pigs? 你见过疯狂追捕猎物的猪吗?
- They can sense their prey with a keen awareness. 他们有敏锐的感官,可以发现认定的猎物。
- Wolves usually hunt their prey in packs. 狼通常聚众捕猎。
- Lack of food, it even devour their own young snake or similar. 食物缺乏时,它甚至吞食自己的幼蛇或同类。
- Bats use ultrasound to pick up vibrations from their prey. 蝙蝠用超声波识别猎物发出的震动。
- Owls usually swallow their prey whole(= without chewing it). 猫头鹰通常把猎物囫囵吞下。
- Roaring lions tearing their prey open their mouths wide against me. 13他们向我张口,好像抓撕吼叫的狮子。
- The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. 21少壮狮子吼叫,要抓食,向神寻求食物。
- But they face a problem: invading “river crabs” that are devouring their grassland. 但是它们面临一个问题:入侵的“河蟹”正在蚕食它们的草原。
- That would give poachers even readier access to their prey. 而这可能给偷猎者提供了一个更为直接的接近其猎物的途径。
- Many types of spiders catch their prey by building webs. 很多类型的蜘蛛用结网的方式捕食它们的猎物。
- All of them are hot as an oven; they devour their rulers. All their kings fall, and none of them calls on me. 众民也热如火炉,烧灭他们的官长。他们的君王都仆倒而死;他们中间无一人求告我。
- Soon, panzer spearheads were closing around their prey. 很快,装甲先头部队就从周围接近了他们的猎物。
- IV. Guppys show indiscriminate cannibalism by devouring their own offspring, although they always allow the survival of a random number of them. 孔雀鱼吞食子代的过程中会随机存留部分个体,此行为属于一种不分对象的自相残杀
- Jumping spiders have excellent eyesight to see their prey in distance. 跳蜘蛛的视力很好,能看见远处的猎物。
- Visitors may have the opportunity to enjoy seeing with their own eyes giant animals such as Elephants and Hippopotami devour their food ravenously. 最近隆重推出"动物进食大观"和"猴山新貌"等项目,游客们可亲眼目睹河马狂张大口、大象巧用长鼻和狼吞虎咽的情景。