- hydropower station design 水电站设计
- Influence of Jinping I Hydropower Station on Us? 锦屏一级电站将带给我们什么?
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Myanmar Yeywa hydropower station. 缅甸耶涯水电站
- Finally this method was applied to the type selection design of water turbine of Nilgiri hydropower station. 最后将该方法应用于尼尔基水电站的水轮机选型设计中。
- They are going to dam up the river to set up a hydropower station. 他们准备拦江筑坝建水电站。
- The results provide the theoretical basis and design guidance for the application of tailrace tunnel ventilation system in hydropower station. 这些结果为水电站无压尾水洞引风系统的应用提供了理论基础与设计依据。
- This paper introduces the conditions of Pingban Hydropower Station Project and summarizes its construction organization design. 摘要介绍平班水电站工程条件,对施工组织设计进行了比较全面的总结。
- Hydropower Station Bridge Crane is a crane with a type. 水电站用桥式起重机是起重机的一种类型。
- Yinzidu hydropower station began ponding in April,2003. 引子渡水电站于2003年4月下闸蓄水。
- Design and operation of plunge pool at Ertan hydropower station was introduced and application of the plunge pool in Ertan was analyzed. 本文介绍了二滩水电站水垫塘的设计和运行情况,以及水垫塘安全运行监测的新思路和新方法。
- The design of access road of large-scale hydropower station could directly influence its cost and construction progress, as well as local society and economy. 大型水电工程对外交通设计直接影响工程造价和施工进度。
- They have got out a scheme to build a hydropower station in the hills. 他们已作出计划,准备在山里建造一座水电站。
- Well do I remember the day when the hydropower station was put into operation. 我清清楚楚地记得水电站开始发电的那一天。
- Ertan hydropower station is the first power station built on Yalong River. 摘要二滩水电站是雅砻江梯级开发的第一个水电站。
- This dissertation makes a detailed study on several aspects of basic theories of fluid transients in hydropower station systems and design of initial software is carried out. 本文对水电站瞬变流数值模拟计算中的几个亟待改进的问题进行了深入的研究,并且初步完成了有关计算软件的开发工作。
- The new station design intends to weave the past of the city with its future in the expanding urban environment. 新的火车站设计旨在将城市的过去和未来他通过扩建的城市环境编制在一起。
- Guangyuan have been completed so far, Deyang, the reconstruction of Jiangyou station design. 目前已完成广元、德阳、江油车站的重建设计。
- The dam of Suofengyin Hydropower Station is RCC gravity one,in its structural design the advantage of rapid and continuous building has fully been embodied. 索风营水电站大坝为碾压混凝土重力坝,在结构设计上充分发挥了碾压混凝土快速与连续上升的优势。
- Therefore, we support the construction of the Sancha hydropower station. 会议中没有出现反对该项目建设的意见。