- Under the background of our country and world energy problem more outstanding,the hydropower development in the Dadu River will play an important role. 在我国乃至世界能源问题愈加突出的大背景下,大渡河的资源开发必定将扮演着重要角色。
- Under the present favorable situation of hydropower development, it has great significance to reconsider the construction period of hydropower project. 在目前水电大开发的有利形势下,重新认识水电工程的建设工期,具有重要的现实意义。
- She has made contributions to the China's small and medium-sized hydropower development and the socio-economic development of the Ganzhou City . 为我国的中小水电事业发展和赣州市的社会经济发展做出了贡献。
- The ecological impacts of the Nujiang River hydropower development have been intensively debated in China in recent years. 开发蕴藏丰富的怒江水电资源在全国能源格局中占据重要地位。
- The Tuka hydropower project is a medium-sized hydropower development with a roller compacted concrete gravity dam in Yunnan province,China. 云南土卡河水电站是一个中型水电工程,拦河坝为碾压混凝土重力坝。
- The hydropower development of southwest area is very important for the energy strategy of China, in which the Yalong river is the most representative. 摘要西南地区水电开发对于实施我国能源战略有重要意义,雅砻江流域在西南地区水电开发中又具有典型代表性。
- Xinhua says it is unclear who hired the thugs, but that police detained four employees of the Fuyuan Hydropower Development company after the attack. 新华社说,是谁雇佣了这些流氓尚不清楚,但警察在攻击事件发生后拘留了水电站业主“富源水电开发公司”的四名雇员。
- The hydropower planning is the first link of the antecedent work of hydropower development and is an important work relating to the strategic goals and arrangement of hydropower. 水电规划是水电建设前期工作的首要环节,是关系水电战略目标和战略布局的一项重要工作。
- Hydropower development along many rivers is facing environmental challenges, such as fish protection.Passage construction is one of protection methods for anadromous fish. 许多江河在水电开发过程中面临著对鱼类如何保护等环境课题,建立过鱼通道是鱼类保护措施之一。
- In the power market, reasonable annual forward electric quantity constucted. is an important guarantee of anticipated profits of the owner "Ertan Hydropower Development Company". 在电力市场环境下,合理地制定该电站的年期货电量计划是二滩水电公司实现其预期效益的重要保证。
- Another example is the 2008 central government organs last proposition of the subject: from "the Nu River Hydropower Development" and to open "man and nature," wrote an article. 又如2008年中央国家机关的最后一道题目的命题分别是:以从“怒江水电开发”说开去和以“人与自然”为题写一篇文章。
- Hydropower development and ecological environment protection form a pair of contradictions between human beings and nature in the process of material transformation. 摘要水电开发与生态环境保护形成了人和自然之间在“物质变换”过程中的一对矛盾。
- Accelerate hydropower development, encourage downstream feature industry focusing on electro-metallurgical integration; extend the industrial chain, foster and strengthen competitive feature hydraulic industry and related products. 加快水电开发,鼓励发展以电冶联营模式为主的下游特色产业,延长产业链,培育壮大水电优势特色产业和产品系列。
- Noting this trend, the government has taken steps towards moresustainable growth by focusing on encouraging other countries and firmsto invest in hydropower development and exports. 政府意识到了这点,因此采取措施,鼓励其他国家和国外公司来投资七水力发电和出口业,希望经济增长更有保障。
- Step hydropower development in Lixianjiang river basin has single impacts and cumulative impacts on ecological environment as well as systematic and colonial and potential impacts. 李仙江流域梯级电站开发建设即有单个电站对生态环境的影响特征,又有影响的累积性、群体性、系统性、波及性和潜在性。
- In combination with the important immediate significance of hydropower development and its main problems, this paper puts forward several policy suggestions on quickening the development of hydropower resources in China. 结合水电开发的重要现实意义及其面临的主要问题,提出了加快我国水力资源开发的若干政策性建议。
- Since the beginning of current Century, there has been a great discussion about the issues of active role of hydropower development in the social-economic development in the Nujiang river basin. 摘要从本世纪初开始,围绕开发水能资源促进怒江流域地区经济社会发展等问题曾引发了一场大讨论。
- Yunnan has abundant hydropower resources and good development conditions, its quickened hydropower development will exert further influence on the characteristics of its hydrology and water resources. 云南水能资源丰富且开发条件好,随着水电开发步伐的加快,水电开发对河流水文水资源特性的影响将进一步增大。
- So the evaluation of environmental impacts of basin hydropower development lay stress on the macroscopical,sustained,indirect and additive environmental problems concerning the entire basin. 因此流域水电规划环境影响评价更侧重一些全流域大尺度下宏观的、持久的、间接的和累积的环境问题。
- He also worked with NGOs on a 'rights and risks' approach to stakeholder participation (IUCN, 2004) and on environmental considerations for sustainable hydropower development (ADB/MRC/WWF 2006-2007). 此外,他还就股东参与"权利与风险"方案(IUCN,2004年)和可持续水电发展的环境思考(ADB/MRC/WWF 2006-2007)等问题与非政府组织展开合作。