- hydrodynamic stability theory 流体动力稳定性理论
- These results deepen and enrich content of stability theory. 深化与丰富了稳定性理论。
- W.A.Coppel Dichotomies in stability theory[M].Spring-Verlag 1978. 黄林.;稳定性理论[M]
- One scientists work provides material for an entirecourse, covering topics ranging from hydrodynamic stability andturbulence to electrohydrodynamics and the locomotion of smallorganisms. 一位科学家的工作提供了一门完整课程的素材;涉及从流体动力学稳定性、湍流到流体电动力学、微生物的运动.
- Abstract: One scientist's work provides material for an entirecourse, covering topics ranging from hydrodynamic stability andturbulence to electrohydrodynamics and the locomotion of smallorganisms. 文摘:一位科学家的工作提供了一门完整课程的素材;涉及从流体动力学稳定性、湍流到流体电动力学、微生物的运动.
- J.L.Massera.Erratum: Contributions to stability theory[J].Ann.Math.68 (1958).202. 林振声.;常微分方程稳定性理论[M]
- This paper presents a thorough study of the input/output stability theory of relay pulse senders. 本文深入研究了中继脉冲发送器的输入输出稳定性的理论。
- The effect of the step crosswind gusts is analyzed based on the stability theory. 运用汽车侧风稳定性理论,对阶跃阵风作用下的敏感性试验进行了详细的仿真分析;
- A controller is designed based on Lyapunov stability theory,and an unstable periodic orbit(UPO) tracking of uncertain chaotic systems is considered. 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,设计了控制器,实现了快速跟踪混沌系统的不稳定周期轨道。
- In this paper based upon the knowledge of ordinary differential equation and its stability theory, we study the solutions of Dirac equation. 本文主要利用常微分方程的基本理论及其定性理论,采用打靶法研究狄拉克方程解的存在性问题。
- Moreover, the derived equation, and the stability theory of differential equations to explain the actual meaning of equations. 再者,求出方程的解,并用微分方程解的稳定性理论解释方程解的实际意义。
- The dispersity and stability theory,surface modification methods and technology of nanoparticles as load-carry additives were described. 论述了可作为载荷添加剂的纳米微粒在润滑剂中分散稳定的理论、表面修饰方法和工艺。
- International institutions are defined as public goods by both hegemonic stability theory and neoliberal institutionalism. 摘要霸权稳定论和新自由主义都是西方国际政治经济学的主流理论范式。
- The volume of the coke collapsing toward the furnace center was quantified by applying the slope stability theory of soil mechanics. 运用土力学边坡稳定理论,定量表示了焦炭向高炉中心的坍塌量。模拟结果与实测结果比较符合,证明此模型是适用的。
- There are many significantachievements on basic theory, stability theory, period solution theory and bifurcation theoryof delay differential systems. 在基本理论、稳定性理论、周期解理论、分歧理论等许多方面都出现了重要的成果。
- Wang Chaohui,,Yan Zhiping,et al..Development and Research review on slope stability theory,Gudong Gonglu Jiaotong (Total 71),2001,(suppl.). [2]王朝晖;颜志平;等.;边坡稳定理论的发展及研究现状[J]
- Based on the experimental result and flame stability theory, the possibility to obtain the optimum parameters of the burners are discussed under different primary air coefficient. 在实验结果的基础上利用火焰稳定理论,论证了在不同一次空气系数时获得最佳燃烧器参数的可能性。
- The quick formation mechanism of spherical particles in an undercooled melt was discussed by microstructure simulation technique and M-S interface stability theory. 结果表明:合金熔体中自由晶数目和浆料冷却速度共同决定初生固相的尺寸和形态;
- By using elastic stability theory and in combination with field work,a method in calculating space when installing sucker rod lifter is worked out and an example is provided. 运用纵横弯曲梁及弹性稳定理论,结合工程实际,分析得出了在全井各种井段合理安装抽油杆柱扶正器间距的计算方法,并给出了计算实例。
- The stiffness analysis was investigated with the geometric relations of deployment and stowage.And the local and whole stability analyses were also studied with stability theory. 根据展开和收拢几何特性关系,对其刚度特性进行了分析,并依据弹性稳定理论,对该展开机构进行了局部和整体稳定性分析。