At last, the approximate calculation methods of pore water pressure and flowing pressure are presented. 给出土坡稳定性分析中对孔隙水压力和动水压力的近似计算方法。
Characteristics and correlation of fluctuating pressure in instability area were specially analyzed. 重点分析了失稳区底板块动水压力特性及相关特性。
This quantity is identical to the negative of the thermodynamic pressure. 这个量等于热动力压力的负值。
Exerting dynamic pressure on the astral body, while the physical body is deeply relaxed, and brain wave activity is at a low level, FORCES the mind and body into the trance state. 对星体躯体施加动力压力,同时保持肉身深度放松,脑波处于较低水平,迫使身心进入恍惚状态。
Under favourable circumstances hydrodynamic pressure may be generated to oppose the flow due to the applied pressure. 在有利的环境下,可产生流体动压力来阻止由所加压力引起的流动。