- hydrocele feminae [医] 女性水囊肿
- There was new progres-sion in the therapy of hydrocele. 近年来对鞘膜积液的治疗有了新的进展。
- Results 1 case had lung infection,and 2 cases had thorax hydrocele. 结果术后1例出现肺部感染,2例出现胸腔积液,经治疗护理后缓解。
- Objective To explore an operation of treating children hydrocele. 目的探索一种治疗小儿鞘膜积液的手术方法。
- CONCLUSION It s a simple and safe method to treat the hydrocele. 结论该方法创伤小,简单安全,手术疗效确切值得推广应用。
- Objective To study the new operation therapy of child vaginal hydrocele. 目的探讨小儿鞘膜积液的手术新疗法。
- In most cases, a hydrocele is congenital, i.e. a baby boy is born with it. 大多数睾丸鞘膜积液是先天的,也就是说,男婴生下来就带有积液。
- Dialysate leakage induced 5 patients to leave the PD program (4 cases of pleural effusions and 1 case of hydrocele). 最后,有5例病人转而接受备注透析(4例肋膜积水,1例鼠蹊部渗漏)。
- FEMINA perfumes for women by Alberta Ferretti fragrances are recommended for daytime wear. 个性的花香与其独特的心型瓶身设计融为一体,让你爱不释手!
- BEFORE her daughter was born, Jodi Della Femina's week stretched out full of opportunities to fit in the little things. 但自从两年前小安娜贝尔出生后,那样的生活就结束了。
- It is scheduled that the laureates of this year’s Le Prix Femina will be announced on Feb 25 and 27, 2009, respectively. 本年度“费米娜”奖预定于2009年2月25日和27日分别颁发各奖项。
- Abstract:Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past. 摘要:以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。
- Results The main manifestations ofchronic filariasis were elephantiasis, hydrocele and chyluria. 结果防治前后晚期丝虫病病人的主要临床表现为象皮肿、鞘膜积液和乳糜尿。
- Ms.Della Femina sees help in sight.This October, Citibabes, one of a number of new private clubs for children (and their parents) is to open in SoHo near her home. 在母亲们为了自己的孩子能够健康幸福成长而努力的时代,像西蒂宝贝这样的俱乐部是最近才被双亲们所喜爱的。
- Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past. 以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。
- Most often, a hydrocele appears only on one side.Hydroceles on both sides occur in only about 10% of the cases. 最通常的情形是,睾丸鞘膜积液只出现在一侧,发生在两侧的病例只有10%25。
- Objective:To study a new microinvasive technique for indirect hernia and communicating hydrocele in chidren. 目的:探讨微创治疗小儿斜疝及交通性鞘膜积液的新方法。
- The main clinical characteristics was painless scrotal mass with 50% varicocele and 20% hydrocele. 主要表现为睾丸无痛性长大,50%25伴有精索静脉曲张,20%25伴有睾丸鞘膜积液。
- AIM To improve the outcome and decrease the complication after the operation of the hydrocele of testis. 目的改善睾丸鞘膜积液术后效果减少术后并发症。