- The flexibilities of embed image processing system on product line are shown, comparing with traditional PC based solution of image processing. 显现了嵌入式图像处理系统方案较之于传统基于PC的图像处理方案的优点。
- We propose a genetic algorithm based solution methodology embedded with a queuing analysis to solve the problem. 我们应用了基因演算法和等后网路模型来解决此问题。
- A client server based solution for school administrations with student record, class record, instructor record, payment record functions, etc. 是基于学校行政管理的代理伺服器,为学校提供学生记录、班级记录、学校缴收记录和家长通讯。
- It seems that acidic tin plating solution is being trans formed from fluoborate based to alkyl sulfonate based solution. 说明酸性镀锡液由氟硼酸盐型发展为烷基磺酸盐型的改进过程。列出参考文献9篇。
- This article means to study the calculation of acidity or basicity for the mixed acid -- base solution. 本文对混合酸碱溶液的酸碱度计算作一探讨。
- Work on ILOG JRules based solution development. -Implement BRMS technology based technical solution, from archi...... ... 公司名称:上海露茵企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13
- The advantage of the FTP Scripting based solution is that now for Company A to receive files from Company F, it need not have an FTP server at its end. 基于FTP脚本的解决方案的优势在于A公司从F公司接收文件,但是A公司自己并没有FTP服务器。
- Pure fatting agents on a hydrocarbon base 基于石油的纯加脂剂
- In a base solution of 0.2 mol/L Clark-Bruce at pH3.0, both of SNP and SNP-Cu(II) system all produced sensitive reduction peak at -0.47V(vs.SCE). 对5.;0×10~(-6)mol/LSNP-Cu~(2+)体系进行6次平行实验,RSD为0
- Use: A refractometer is an instrument the concentration of a queous solution by measuring it’s refractive index, All water based solution can make light bend. 用途: 手持式折射计是一种通过测量水溶液折折射率来测量其浓度的仪器。所有水溶液都能使光的方向发生折射。光的偏折可以随溶液浓度的增加而成正比增加。
- Nano magnetic fluid using water-repellent lubricant as base solution was prepared,magnetic arbamido grease was synthesized by adding it into arbamido grease. 制备了疏水润滑油基纳米磁性液体,将该磁性液体作为添加剂加入到脲基润滑脂中,合成了磁性脲基润滑脂。
- SecurDisc is a hardware-software based solution, and is therefore harder to hack and more secure than software-only solutions. SecurDisc是基于硬件和软件的解决方案,因此更难破解,也比单纯的软件解决方案更加安全。
- From Windows Explorer, double click on the high level. Etp or. Sln file of the Enterprise Template based solution you wish to convert (for example, myTemplate. Etp or myTemplate. Sln). 在Windows资源管理器中;在要转换的、基于企业级模板的解决方案的高级别.;etp或
- An experiment was conducted to study the effects of acid and alkali on paulownia wood color.The protection of weak base solution against discoloration of paulownia wood was also analysed. 摘要对酸碱度影响泡桐木材色泽进行了研究,并对弱碱溶液防止泡桐木材变色的作用做了试验与分析。
- Examples are sodium carbonate and potassium acid phthalate which are used to standardize acid and base solutions. 例如碳酸钠和邻苯二酸氢钾,分别用来标定酸和碱溶液。
- It's based on hydrocarbon resin. 以烃类树脂为基料制成的耐热铝粉漆。
- Based on this property, this thesis investigated the sensing property of InN based anion sensor for the acid, salt and base solutions for the first time. 基于此项特质,本论文使用氮化铟半导体做为阴离子感测器,并针对酸、碱、盐三种水溶液进行感测特性的分析。
- Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。
- ANDEROL synthetic hydrocarbon based lubricants are similar to mineral oils in their compatibility with paints, seals, 物油类润滑剂切换成ANDEROL合成烃基润滑剂时;在相容性方面没有特别的注意事项.
- An ARM - Based Solution for Home Networking System 基于ARM的家庭网络系统解决方案