- The premium lubricant base oil can be produced with unconverted oil from hydro cracking and/or hydrotreated solvent dewaxing oil by catalytic dewaxing. 加氢裂化未转化油和/或加氢精制过的溶剂脱蜡油经催化脱蜡工艺生产高质量润滑油基础油。
- The new techniques of the hydrocracking tail oil translated into the lube base oil by non - hydro - dewaxing process was introduced. 介绍了通过非临氢降凝把加氢裂化尾油加工成润滑油基础油的新工艺。
- Intermediate lube base oil was treated by complexing agent and followed by clay to enhance its oxidation stability. 采用络合白土脱氮联合工艺对兰炼减四线去蜡油进行了精制,以提高润滑油基础油的氧化安定性能。
- APIP should be treated based on non-operative t... 治疗应以非手术疗法为基础,采取个体化的治疗方案。
- For grease lubrication the viscosity of the base oil in the grease may be used. 油脂润滑时,可使用油脂中的基油粘度。
- Asphalt treated base(for short ATB), different from semi-rigid base which is often used in our country, belongs to the category of flexible base. 沥青稳定碎石基层属于柔性基层的范畴,不同于无机结合料稳定的半刚性基层。
- A good formulator knows how to use each base oil above to oil formulating. 一个好的配方知道如何使用上述每个基础油石油制定。
- Conclusion Diastematomyelia should be treated based on its type. 结论脊髓纵裂应按分型确定治疗方法。
- Unconverted oil from hydrocrackers can be treated in acetone-benzol dewaxing unit and clay treating plant to produce quality lube base oil. 加氢裂化尾油经酮苯脱蜡和白土精制工艺可生产高质量润滑油基础油。
- No.1 standard oil for rubber test was formulated by lube base oil from a deep-refining paraffinic crude blended with vacuum side streams. 以深度精制的石蜡基润滑油的基础油与减压侧线馏分调合研制了橡胶试验用1号标准油。
- Composition:It is composed of base oil,several high-efficiency corrosion inhibitor and auxiliaries.It is transparent. 组成:由基础油品及多种高效缓蚀剂和辅助添加剂复配而成,本品为透明油状液。
- Good base oil has good viscosity.It can make engines start easily under very low temprature. 采用了合成型基础油,低温粘度小,低温流动性极佳,汽车在严寒季节仍可迅速启动。
- The bottleneck of the bio -diesel industrialization today is the insufficiency of it s base oil supplying. 目前限制我国生物柴油产业化的真正瓶颈是其生产原料严重不足问题。
- The various performances of PCMO formulated from solvent refined oil,hydrogenated base oil and PAO were compared. 比较了溶剂精制油、加氢油和合成油所调制的轿车用发动机油(PCMO)各项性能。
- High quality soluble cutting oil blended from fully solvent refined base oil, emulsifiers &additives. 优质水溶性切削油;由精炼基础油;乳化剂及其他添加剂配制而成.
- Base oil, thickener and additive have effect on the property of polyurea Lubricating grease. 探讨了基础油、稠化剂、添加剂对聚脲润滑脂性能的影响。
- To the unique base oil imports in line with the latest technology from additive to reconcile. 以独特的进口基础油配合最新技术的添加剂调和而成。
- Group II: A Group I base oil bombarded with more hydrogens to take more impurities out of it. 第二组:A第一类基础油的轰炸更氢采取更多的杂质了。
- large stone asphalt treated base 大粒径沥青稳定碎石基层
- In aromatherapy texts, you’ll often see the term, “Carrier oil” or “Base oil” this is the diluter. 在有关芳疗的文章中经常出现“基底油”或“原油”,这个专业术语说的就是稀释剂。