- hydro cephalus 脑积水
- The hydro craft floated over the water. 水翼艇在水面漂流。
- Soon after, Norsk Hydro said it was bowing out. 不久,海德鲁就宣布退出。
- The hydro power station stands at the junction of two rivers. 水力发电站在两条河流的汇合处。
- The hydro - electric power stations were started last year. 这些水电站是去年办起来的。
- The hydro - electric station began generating electricity in1960. 1960年水电站开始发电。
- Skin with abundant hydro can retain moisture and vivid appearance. 喝饱水的肌肤,才能保持水润柔亮,神采飞扬。
- One could build a fine wind or hydro plant with such a machine. 我们可以建立良好的风力或水力发电厂,这样的机器。
- I don't know why Tom acts so pally as Cephalus toProcris.I hardly know him. 我不明白汤姆为什么对我表现出如此执着的亲热,我几乎对他一无所二知。
- A better approach is to use small scale hydro plant. 一个更好的方法是使用小规模的水力发电厂。
- The husband showed great fidelity to his wife, as Cephalus to Procris. (那位丈夫对妻子真是意笃情深。)
- It's the “Mini Hydro Turbine” from Yanko frequent Jin Woo Han. 这是“迷你水轮机”从扬频繁进兴汉。
- Three major renewable sources are: wind, solar, and hydro. 三大主要的可再生能源是:风能,太阳能以及水能。
- There is no internationally accepted definition for "small hydro. 关于“小水电”目前没有国际认可的界定。
- Hardwall hose designed as flexible connection for sanitary hydro plant on boat. 硬质管,用于游艇洗手间。
- Cephalus, when weary of the chase, was wont to stretch himself in certain shady nook to enjoy the breeze. 刻法洛斯打猎打累了的时候,总要到某个阴凉处躺下吹吹风。
- Where hydro - electric stations are built,there are rich water resources. 凡是建有水电站的地方,水力资源就丰富。
- The test method used here for mercury speciation was the Ontario Hydro Method. 另外,较高的烟气排放温度会提高单质汞向氧化态汞转化的转化率,Hg浓度升高汞转化率下降。
- What sort of a man is Cephalus? A good man, perhaps, but is he wise? What is his view of the passions? 塞伐洛斯是怎样的人?好人,还是一位智者?他对受难的看法?
- The solarium and the hydro jet massage can be used against a small fee. 您可充分享用传统的菜肴和创意美食。