- hydraulic transient process 水力过渡过程
- Method of characteristics for analyzing hydraulic transient processes in pipeline flow 分析介质顺序输送管流水力瞬变的特征线法
- The mathematical model of turbofan engine transient process with thrust vectoring nozzle was established. 建立带矢量喷管的涡扇发动机动态数学模型。
- The transient process that the axialflow in the centrifuge is established under a steady thermal driving isrevealed. 通过数值求解得到了存在温度驱动情况下,离心机内形成小扰动流场的过程。
- The transient process of graded series capacitor during grade change controlled by thyristor is studied. 研究了晶闸管控制的分级串联电容换级时的暂态过程。
- The author studied the transient process of a full-wave bridge rectified filter when it was switched on in the circuit. 研究了全波桥式整流滤波器接入电路时的暂态过程。
- When gas flow rate quickly decreases, there will appear a short period of stratified flow in the transient process of the slug flow. 当气体流量突然降低时,在段塞流的瞬态变化过程中则会出现短时间的分层流。
- Very often when mechanical operation applied to piped flowing fluid, a state transform will occur as a result inducing a hydraulic transient, or even waterhammer when situation is severe. 在管道有压流动的过程中,由于控制系统的操作,导致流体运动状态发生突变,诱发出水力暂态过程,严重时产生称作水锤的极端水力现象。
- Abstract: The electromagnetic transient process of the impedance step characteristics of thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) is studied. 摘 要: 选择电容电压作为脉冲触发同步信号,对TCSC阻抗阶跃特性的电磁暂态过程进行了深入的研究。
- Figure 3 for first the order impact post - plumb prinipal rebound acceleration from arrive the negative transient process. 图3为第一次冲击后锤头反弹加速度从正到负的过渡过程。
- This paper presents a new method for measuring the ripple voltage and transient process of a DC stabilized power supply (SPS) only by HP34401A multimeter. 本文利用HP34401A数字多用表实现了一种计量测试直流稳压电源过渡过程及纹波电压的新方法。
- This article will elaborate the constitution and features of UPS by triport with special introduction on its transient process and overall characteristic. 简述了三角馈电UPS的构成、特点,重点介绍了三角馈电UPS的过渡过程和综合特性。
- This paper simulates the transient process of a single machine infinite bus system in MATLAB and introduces the basic function of PSS as well as its influence on power system. 摘要采用MATLAB分析工具对单机无穷大系统暂态过程进行仿真,介绍了PSS的基本功能,并分析了PSS对于系统暂态稳定性的影响。
- hydraulic transient at power failure 停泵过渡过程
- The transient process of zero-sequence current in single-phase reclosure and its effect on the accelerating period of zero-sequence current protection were analyzed. 分析了单相重合闸过程中零序电流的暂态过程及其对零序电流保护加速段的影响。
- It is found that the system parameters have large influnced the sudden unbalance transient process and transient time when system accelarating through the bistable region. 研究结果表明:系统参数的变化对突加不平衡响应的变化有较大的影响。
- It is well-known that the result of Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) has no difference with EMTP in using to simulate the transient process of power system. 实时数字仿真(RTDS)对电力系统暂态过程模拟的结果与非实时仿真软件(如EMTP)是等效的,这已在实际应用中得到证实。
- The danger of overcurrent and overvoltage in the transient process of transformer s secondary short circuit is analyzed and countermeasures to avoid such accidents are introduced. 以一起变压器副边短路事故为例,分析了变压器副边短路过渡过程中产生过电流、过电压的危害性;介绍为避免类似事故发生应采取的防范措施。
- The rational transient process is set by the improving TD based on the classical PID controller, which effectively reduces undershoot of non-minimum phase system. 针对水轮发电机组的非最小相位特性,基于设置过渡过程的思想,在传统的PID控制器的基础上应用改进的TD设置合理的过渡过程,有效的减小了非最小相位中的反调。
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。