- She longed to clout him in the nozzle. 她真想猛揍一下他的鼻子。
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。
- The hydraulic lift is over there. 液压升降机在那儿。
- It can be used with drencher head and hydraulic spray nozzle. 同时也可与水幕喷头、水雾喷头配套使用。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。
- Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure. 在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。
- hydraulic nozzle 液压喷嘴
- He pointed the nozzle of the fire distinguisher at the flames. 他将灭火器的喷嘴对著火焰。
- The government invests heavily in hydraulic project. 政府在水利工程方面投以重资。
- Hydraulic shut-off nozzle allows plasticizing during mould motion and ejection. 油压封咀让“开合模”及“顶出”时,加料仍可进行。
- A faucet with a nozzle that is bent downward; a bibb. 弯嘴龙头一种带有向下弯曲的喷嘴的龙头; 龙头
- A perforated nozzle for spraying water from a hose or sprinkling can. 莲蓬式喷嘴一种使水从管子或喷水壶里喷洒出来的有孔的喷嘴
- The nozzle first narrows, then flares out. 排气管口先是变窄,然后渐渐张大。
- Wider nozzle at draw frame or rotor. 并条或转杯喇叭口宽。
- Taian Wuzhou Oil Pump And Oil Nozzle Co., Ltd. 泰安五洲油泵油嘴有限公司。
- Jinzhou Lite Cylinder Pump Valve Hydraul. 锦州市立特缸泵阀液压制造有限公。
- Colour-coded bayonet nozzle for easy service. 不同喷嘴颜色各异,使用维护简便。
- Hoist the risers with the hydraulic running tool. 用液压下入工具提起隔水管。
- Start printing nozzle check pattern? 开始打印喷嘴检查图案吗?
- A light - colored tuff used in hydraulic cement. 淡色凝灰岩可以用来制造水泥。