- hydraulic injection pump 液压注水泵
- If use SK series water ring vacuum pump or ZSWJ series hydraulic inject vacuum pump sets, condensator can not be used and the investment could be saved. 如采用SK系列水环真空泵或ZSWJ系列水力喷射真空泵机组,可不用冷凝器,节省能源投资。
- Nothing is wrong with the injection pump. 喷射泵没毛病。
- Checking of the sealing injection pump body. 对喷油泵进行密封性试验。
- The injection pump is BOSCH P7100, the supply pressure can reach 1050 bar, etc. 喷油泵采用BOSCH公司P7100型,供油压力可达1050 bar,等等。
- We want to buy fuel injection pump (bosch type) for Diesel engines which suitable genset application. 我们需要购买汽车柴油发动机,请联系我们。
- This paper introduces the structural principles and features of ful l hydraulic injection machine with two plates and the developing prospects of mech anical-electrical-hydraulic integration. 重点介绍了全液压式二板注塑机的结构原理和特点及机电液一体化的发展前景。
- We want to buy fuel injection pump (bosch type) for cummins engines which suitable genset application. 我们需要求购汽车燃油泵,请联系我们。
- Describes the operating principle and design feature of the multistage water vapour injection pump(MWVIP). 摘要本文介绍了水蒸汽真空泵的工作原理及结构特点。
- A presentation is given of the renovation plan and process flow for the hydraulic injection vacuum supply unit, which is used to replace the former steam injector. 摘要介绍了采用水力喷射抽真空装置代替原蒸汽喷射装置的改造方案及流程。
- This article centers on studies of lubricity on injection pump by nano-Cu additive. 通过试验研究了纳米铜添加剂对喷油泵润滑性能的影响。
- By using Nth harmonic method,the fuel cam profile of a medium speed diesel engine injection pump was fitted,and the results were analyzed. 利用N次谐波法对一台中速柴油机的油泵凸轮型线进行拟合,并对拟合结果进行了分析,指出使用N次谐波法时存在的一些问题,并对问题产生的原因进行了分析。
- The mist pump is a single acting triplex liquid injection pump rated for 1500 PSI at a maximum flow rate of 62 GPM with 2” plungers. 雾泵是一种单作用三缸液体喷射泵,当其使用2英寸柱塞时,在最大流量为62加仑/分钟条件下,其额定压力可以达到1500磅/平方英寸。
- Check whether or not the fuel injection pump plunger and fuel outlet valve is worn or clogged, plunger spring and fuel outlet valve spring is broke. 喷油泵柱塞及出油阀是否磨损或卡死、柱塞弹簧及出油阀弹簧是否折断;
- In this paper, the macro spray characteristics were investigated by using stroboscopic photography in a pressure vessel, on injection pump test stand. 在喷油泵试验台上,应用闪光摄影法,研究了压力容器内该燃烧系统的宏观喷雾特性。
- hydraulic injection molding machine 液压注塑机
- The injection pump is typically a peristaltic pump that is capable of operating at different injection rates for different types of chemicals. 这种注射帮浦通常是蠕动式帮浦(peristalticpump),可依不同类型的化学药品而以不同的注射速率运作。
- oil exploitation by hydraulic injection 注水采油
- The pistion ring of volumetric injection pump use different material of silicone,polyflon or other kinds according to liquid characteristic,use ceramic pump in special industry. 柱塞式计量泵活塞环材质根据行业及液体成分的不同采用硅橡胶、四氟乙烯或其他材质,特殊场合采用陶瓷材质。