- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- The hydraulic lift is over there. 液压升降机在那儿。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。
- hydraulic aesthetics 水工关学
- The government invests heavily in hydraulic project. 政府在水利工程方面投以重资。
- This is the aesthetics subordinated to politics. 这是那种隶属于政治的美学观。
- I'm going to read around the subject of aesthetics. 我打算阅读美学方面的书。
- What on Earth Does Aesthetics Research? 美学究竟研究什么?
- Aesthetics of Literature and Art ? 文艺美学
- Jinzhou Lite Cylinder Pump Valve Hydraul. 锦州市立特缸泵阀液压制造有限公。
- But fundamentally, it was an act of aesthetics. 但它归根结蒂是一项审美活动,
- Hoist the risers with the hydraulic running tool. 用液压下入工具提起隔水管。
- Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art. 黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术。
- A light - colored tuff used in hydraulic cement. 淡色凝灰岩可以用来制造水泥。
- Analysis Of Aesthetics Of Competitive P.E. 竞技体育的美学分析。
- We suffered total loss of hydraulic fluid. 液压油完全流失。
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 美学和艺术评论杂志。
- Trends of Thought in Westrn Aesthetics II. 西方美学思潮2。
- The marine pile driver has a hydraulic hammer. 水下打桩机有一个液压锤。