- hydraheaded registrations 多头登记
- They were fighting a hydraheaded monster. 他们的对手是三头六臂的妖怪。
- Registrations of the services are not arbitrary. 服务的注册并非任意的。
- Number of Special Offers Registrations. 是注册指定网站的个数。
- Be the expert for products registrations in China. 成为在中国注册产品的公司专家.
- Both of you please give me your licenses and registrations. 你们二位给我看看驾驶执照和车辆登记卡。
- The number of marriage registrations is on the rise. 近年香港的结婚数字持续上升。
- Eliminates the need for multiple third party registrations. 消除对多重的第三方登记的需要。
- Registrations are now open for the ASX Sharemarket Game. 注册日期到2月17号截至。炒得好的,还有奖金。
- Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county. 在农村登记人数已突破30,000大关。
- AII registrations are subjected to approval by organiser. 所有的登记必须被主办方批准。
- Registrations are closed and wont be opened again for a long time ! 感情这种东西是会上瘾的......要想洒脱;开始就别碰它.
- European registrations fell 13%, 26% decline in its brand. 欧洲注册量下滑13%25,旗下品牌下滑26%25。
- You have no current exam registrations to reschedule or cancel. 非常急。。。不然明天就考试了。。。只能今天取消
- Maximum Allowed Notification Registrations Per Client (default is 8). 每个客户端允许的通知注册最大数(默认值为8)。
- Any other registrations allowed to be requested to the registry by laws. 一二其他依法律得嘱讬登记机关登记者。
- Over the past 10 years,the AKC registrations have increased by 132 perent. 在过去的10年中,AKC注册的人数增长了132%25。
- We are not accepting new registrations at this time, please check back later. 注册不了了,能邀请我一下么?谢了!
- USCCC and United Central Bank co-host SBA loan seminar. Lunch will be provided to early registrations. 美中商会将与中央银行共同举办SBA贷款讲座.;提供中饭给预先登记者
- New private car registrations rose 93.31 per cent,from 22 203 in 1996 to 43 054 in 1997. 新登记的私家车数目,由一九九六年的22203辆增加至一九九七年的43054辆,增幅为93.;31%25。