- Effect of hybrid rice parents on F2 rice quality 杂交水稻亲本对F_2米质性状的影响
- Effects of Seedling Age at Transplanting on Heading Time of Hybrid Rice Parents 不同移栽秧龄对杂交水稻亲本抽穗期的影响
- hybrid rice parents 杂交水稻亲本
- A new hybrid rice varirty Feng liang you NO. 杂交水稻新品种丰两优一号。
- This hybrid rice can resist cold. 这种杂交水稻很耐寒。
- This paper analysed hybrid rice (Shan you 63,Xie you 63)and their parents seed proteins with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). 对杂交水稻汕优63、协优63及其亲本种子蛋白进行了SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析。
- A parabolic correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers. 结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。
- Is the Female Sterility Present in indica- japonica Hybrid Rice? 水稻亚种间杂种是否存在雌性不育?
- Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. 现在袁教授正研制超级杂交水稻。
- Using 180 DNA probes mapped on rice chromosomes,RPLP analysis was carried out with rice parents Gui630(O. sativa subsp. indica),02428(O. sativa subsp.japonica)and 81 double haploid plants(DH) of their hybrid. 对籼稻圭630和粳稻02428及其F1通过花药培养获得的81个DH系进行了RFLP分析,有28个探针揭示了DNA变异。
- Xing you No.1 passed hybrid rice reginal trail in Sichuan in 1997. 香优1号于1997年通过四川省优质杂交稻区域试验;
- A feasible approach to enhance the yield level of hybrid rice is to broaden the genetic diversity between the parents for the further improvement of heterosis level. 提高单产的可靠途径在于扩大双亲的遗传差异,进一步提高杂种优势水平。
- Studies on primers screening and detection techniques for polymorphism of parents and F1 of hybrid rice combination Jinyou 299 were conducted using SSR molecular marker technique. 摘要利用微卫星分子标记,对杂交稻组合金优299的双亲及F1之间的多态性进行了引物筛选和检测技术研究。
- Abstract The ABA content of hybrid rice Cultivar Tiyou418 was higher than those of its parents Cultivar Tijin and C418 at the early stage and lower at the late stage. 提要 杂交水稻优418在灌浆前期ABA含量高于锦和C418,后期低于其亲本;
- The characters of the parents of Japonica hybrid rice combination-Wan Dan 88 were summarized, the high-yielding seed production technology of Wan Dan 88 was produced. 摘要概述了粳型杂交水稻皖稻88亲本的特征特性,提出了其组合的高产制种技术。
- Progress of study on molecular identification of hybrid rice variety. 杂交水稻品种纯度鉴定研究进展。
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Hybrid Rice Technology. 杂交水稻技术合作谅解备忘录。
- Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。
- Evaluation of the effect of planted hybrid rice on methane emission from paddy field. 种植杂交稻对甲烷排放的影响及评价。
- Characteristics and cultivation techniques for a new hybrid rice combination Liangyouduoxi No. 杂交水稻新组合两优多系一号特征特性及栽培技术。