- hybrid power armored vehicles 混合动力装甲车辆
- The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克
- Designed for combat or defense against armored vehicles, especially tanks. 防坦克的设计用来战斗或抵御尤其是坦克的武装车辆
- The armored vehicles of an army. 军队的装甲车辆
- A defensive encampment encircled by armored vehicles or wagons. 车阵由装甲车或是货车围成一圈而形成的防御性营地
- The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles,such as tanks. 装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克。
- They surrounded the building with tanks and armored vehicles. 他们用坦克和装甲车包围了大楼。
- HE/VT is also effective against stationary armored vehicles. 高爆/变时弹对静止的装甲车也有效。
- A novel hybrid power system with a double rotor motor as drive coupler is developed. 摘要开发出一种以双转子电机为动力耦合器的混合动力系统。
- Guinean soldiers on armored vehicles patrolled the streets of Conakry. 几内亚;克纳克里:几内亚士兵们正坐在装甲车上巡逻.
- This thesis makes a deep research on OPF problem of AC/DC hybrid power system and achieves many meaningful results. 本文在总结国内外最优潮流研究的基础上,对交直流混联电力系统的最优潮流问题进行了深入研究,得到了很有意义的成果。
- Peacekeeping force sent armored vehicles to patrol venue of the conflict. 维和部队还派装甲车到冲突地点巡逻。
- A data acquisition system on the series hybrid power city bus is developed according to the characteristics of a series hybrid power system. 根据串联式混合动力系统的特点,研制开发了串联式混合动力城市公交车车载数据采集系统。
- Titan belly cannons have been changed to provide more ground cover power versus infantry and light vehicles. Armored vehicles are still at risk but will not be as easily destroyed. 泰坦底部火炮的威力调整.;提供更多的地面支援威力
- Thus, the test results of real-time simulation system are available for technical reference in the planning of UHV AC/DC hybrid power grid. 仿真系统试验结果可为特高压交直流混合电网的规划提供技术参考。
- The results show that it is feasible to apply interval meshing technology to composite sabot of high power armor piercing projectiles. 结果表明在大威力穿甲弹复合材料弹托上应用间隙啮合技术是可行的。
- To meet the demand of equivalent anlysis of AC/DC hybrid power grid involving muiti-infeed DC system, a multi-terminal equivalent method is proposed. 为满足含多馈入直流的交直流电力系统等值分析需要,提出了多端等值法。
- A: The easiest (and first) place to get power armor is by looting one off a dead BOS soldier during the main storyline quest GNR. 答:最简单的(第一个)获得动力盔甲的方法是在主要故事情节的追求GNR的时候抢劫一个死亡的BOS士兵。
- In the whole AC/DC hybrid power system, AC part is considered as master system, while DC part is considered as slave system in the paper. 该文将交流系统看成主系统,将直流系统看成从系统,提出了交直流混合状态估计的一种新方法,即主从分裂法。
- AWACS Thunderhead Landing confirmed. Continue your support. Fly top cover for the armored vehicles. 确认成功登陆!援护部队请继续支援装甲车.