- The effect of brown humic acid was moderate. 棕色胡敏酸性质与影响介于富里酸与灰色胡敏酸之间。
- The degree of humification in soil humic acid at 900 m asl is the lowest. 海拔900m以下的土壤中均有明显的黏化层,向上土壤黏粒淋溶淀积逐渐减弱;
- We use the best lignite or peat,activity humic acid sodium manufacturing . 我们生产的活性腐植酸钠是采用中国最好的褐煤或泥炭。
- Humic acid (HA) can promote crop growth and increase fertilizer utilization. 而腐植酸具有促进作物生长、提高肥料利用率等作用。
- CCSA HA is of the Rp type of humic acids. 其类型属于Rp型胡敏酸。
- Humic acids promote the solubility of soil cadmium. 腐殖酸促进土壤镉的溶解性;
- Humic acids are usually regarded as polymers of aromatic compounds. 腐殖酸通常被看作是芳烃化合物的聚合物。
- The adsorption of hexavalent chromium by insolubilized humic acid was investigated. 研究了不溶性腐殖酸对六价铬的吸附作用。
- Humic acid is the common aquatic organic substance,and it is one of precursors of mutants in drinking water. 腐殖质是水体中常见的有机物,也是饮用水主要致突变前体物质之一。
- An indirect method was used for determing the complex calcium in nitro humic acid complex calcium. 用间接法测定了硝基腐植酸钙中络合钙的含量。
- The humic acid (HA) was used as the precursors of trihalomethanes(THM), the overall reaction order is second-order. 以腐殖酸为三卤甲烷形成的前驱物质,确定THM生成的反应级数为二级。
- Senesi, N. and F.Sakellariadou(1993)Trace metal ion binding by humic acid in marine and coastal sediments. 洪富文黄菊美林光清杜清泽陈永修林照松(2000)原生阔叶林分改建人工林对土壤养分的影响。
- This paper describes the principles and methods of extracting humic acid product from lignite. 摘要论述了褐煤中提取腐殖酸产品的方法及原理。
- The comprehensive influence order was: Handilong>yellow humic acid compound fertilizer>transpiration resistant agent. 综合影响顺序为:旱地龙>黄腐殖酸复合肥>抗蒸腾剂。
- Quality lignite or peat activity humic acid sodium is the production of raw materials. 活性腐植酸钠由优质的褐煤或泥炭制成。
- Meanwhile, the content of humic acid ,carbon and nitrogen of every fraction were determined. 风化煤胡敏酸的脂肪性最弱,芳构化度最强,分子量最大;
- This article presents the production of the foliage fertilizers of humic acid from weathered coals and its application. 介绍以贵州风化煤为原料,生产腐植酸多元复合肥的生产方法及应用前景。
- Humic acid was extracted from swampy soil in Zhongdian at Yunnan and characterized. 从云南中甸沼泽土中提取了腐殖酸样品,并对样品的性质进行了测定。
- Peat and humic acid substance have been widely used in environmental protection. 用泥炭除去废水中的重金属离子;
- Sodium salt of humic acid is selected as an adhesive to granulate fused calcium magnesium phosphate in this work. 选用腐植酸钠作为粘合剂,对钙镁磷肥进行造粒,得到的颗粒钙镁磷肥产品达到了出口日本的标准,此法值得推广和应用。