- This year, the humanitarian organization estimates an additional 25 million people will need food aid. 今年,人道主义组织预计需要食物援助的人口将增加2500万。
- Amnesty International is a humanitarian organization that urges governments to pardon political prisoners. 国际特赦组织是个力促各国政府赦免政治犯的人道组织。
- A humanitarian organization based in Washington, D.C. has a new anti-hunger project. 一个成立在华盛顿的人道主义组织有一个新的抵御饥饿计划。
- The humanitarian organization for which Williams worked, SERVE Afghanistan, denies it proselytizes in the country, which is illegal under Afghan law. 塔利班声称对以处决的方式杀害威廉斯承担责任,因为威廉斯在试图传播基督教。有关当局表示,他们还不能证实是反叛分子杀害的威廉斯。
- It reminded that MSF was an international medical humanitarian organization, providing assistance through over 500 medical relief programs in 80 countries worldwide. 它提醒说,MSF是一个国际医药人道主义组织,通过在世界80个国家中的500多个医药救济方案提供援助。
- As a consequence, the Swiss humanitarian organization says diseases, which are preventable keep coming back and that many people are dying or becoming ill. 这个位于瑞士的人道组织说,由于这个因素,腹泻性疾病,虽然可以预防,却反复发生,导致许多人死亡或生病。
- Operation Blessing China is a Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to alleviate poverty and suffering in China and transform the lives of the needy. 慈福行动是一个基督徒的慈善机构,旨在减轻中国贫困人群的疾苦,改变需救助人群的生活。
- It has spread goodwill and fellowship through countless communities, and brought help where it is needed in a way no other humanitarian organization is able to do. 它将亲善及联谊扩散到无数社区,而且凡是需要它的地方,它就去协助,这是人类其他组织都无法做到的。
- MSF, as 1999 Nobel peace prize winning organization, is the largest private worldwide medical humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical relief to victims of wars, epidemics and natural disasters. 无国界医生在1999年取得诺贝尔和平奖,现时是全球最大的国际人道医疗救援组织,致力为活在战乱、疫症及天灾人祸地区的受害者提供紧急医疗援助。
- Master thanked the delegates of the humanitarian organizations for the good job they were doing and gave them encouragement to continue. 师父感谢在场的慈善机构代表们所做的美好工作,并给予他们鼓励。
- Six French citizens were charged with kidnapping, raising concerns that the government could restrict the work of humanitarian organizations. 六名法国公民被指控绑架,这样提高了政府是否因此会限制人道组织工作的疑虑。
- She is on the Board of Directors of Special Olympics, as well as the Board or Advisors for the Westchester Children's Museum and supports numerous other charitable and humanitarian organizations. 她是在董事局的特殊奥运会,以及董事会或顾问的威彻斯特儿童博物馆,并支持许多其他慈善机构和人道主义组织。
- The Zimbabwean government Friday said it was lifting a three-month ban on private humanitarian organizations that had been providing food, health care and other aid to millions of Zimbabweans. 津巴布韦政府星期五说,准备解除3个月以来禁止民间人道救援组织向津巴布韦民众提供食品、医疗照顾等各种援助的禁令。
- Instead, the rebels prefer to lie in wait until humanitarian organizations like WV deliver the food.Then they brutally take the food by force, often killing or maiming the innocent. 反之,他们喜欢埋伏等待世界展望会这种人道救援机构将粮食送到之后,才以武力强夺食物,手法残暴,往往因此杀戮或残害无辜。
- Humanitarian organizations, including Save the Children and Oxfam, say more than half the civilians displaced by recent fighting in eastern Congo may have lost contact with family members. 救助儿童会和乐施会等人道救援组织说,在为躲避刚果东部战乱而逃离家园的人中,有超过一半的人和家人失去了联络。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- This charity is a nonprofit organization. 这个慈善团体是个非盈利性组织。
- They have established a student organization. 他们建立了一个学生组织。
- He was briefly associated with that organization. 他同那个组织有过短时间的联系。