- The humanist thoughts provided the method of exploring democratic politics, and it is very worthwhile to absorb them to guide our contemporay society. 汲取其中积极有益的思想精髓,并将其与我国现代社会的国情相结合,将会对我们产生深刻的启迪。
- Although scholars have different pinions with the definition and the contents of the humanism , none of them can deny that there are abundant humanist thoughts in ancient Chinesetraditional culture. 尽管学者们对人学的定义和内容等众说纷纭,但无一不承认,在中国传统文化中包含着丰富的人学思想。
- Humanist Thoughts on Wang Wei's Poetry 王维诗歌的人文思考
- In the Chinese New-period literature, different humanistic thoughts always coincided with different trends of literature indirectly. 摘要人道主义及其相关问题的探求对先锋文学的出现起了不可置换的诱导和催生作用。
- Through the introduction of the actuality of our society,this article expounds the necessary of promulgating the humanistic thoughts. 通过对社会现状的介绍,阐述进行人文教育的必要性。
- On second thoughts I think I'd better go now. 我又一想,认为最好是立刻就走。
- Feuerbach's humanistic thoughts of religion not only was the result of the social environment but also took shape on the basis of former philosophers. 费尔巴哈的人本主义宗教观,既是社会环境的产物,又是在继承前人思想的基础上形成的。
- The growth of liberal and humanistic thoughts in education has been accompanied by an increasingly democratic and open system for guiding and disciplining students. 随著自由与人本开放教育思潮之勃兴,对学生的管教与辅导也逐渐朝向民主开放。
- Abstract: The resource of Occidental knowledge and thoughts of "Xueheng" School, which derives from American neo-Humanism, begets a trend of humanistic thoughts in modern China. 摘要: "学衡派"的西学知识-思想资源是得自美国的新人文主义,并在现代中国引发一场人文主义文化思潮。
- In this article, we compare their humanistic thoughts with these two theories as examples, in order to prompt the dialogue and communication between I3uddhism and Christianity. 本文分别以这两种理论为例,对他们的人本主义思想加以比较研究,以期能够促进佛教与基督宗教之间的对话和交流。
- The Buildup of Humanist Thoughts in Language Teaching at Higher School 高职语文教学与人文精神的构建
- I said I wouldn't go, but on second thoughts I think I will. 我说过我不会去,但再一想,我决定要去。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。
- Owing to the variations in the different backgrounds of the times their stories have been collected on the basis of forbears' customs, local features and the religious and humanistic thoughts. 由于俗语常常因为时代背景的不同而有不一样的说法,因此,作者收集各则台湾俗语话的故事,概括先民的风俗习惯、地方特性、宗教与人文思惟等几个方向作为全书的编辑体例。
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
- The thought nerved me to make an other effort. 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。