- Ah yes, China's dodgy human rights record. 啊,是的,中国的难弄的人权记录。
- She was a strong critic of Russia's human rights record in Chechnya. 她强烈的批评俄罗斯的在车臣方面的人权。
- China, notwithstanding its less than perfect human rights record, is making progress. 中国,尽管她的人权记录并不完美,但她正在进步。
- The report says that far from improving, China's human rights record had actually worsened. 报告说其离提高越来越远,中国的人权纪录确切说是更糟糕了。
- China has appeared truculent recently in the face of challenges to its human rights record. 中国最近在自己人权记录方面展示了好斗性。
- Ms Pelosi is one of the sharpest critics of Beijing's human rights record in the US Congress. 一打那就乱套了.;美国那"法律妈妈"不说了她不是要抵制奥运
- The Information Office of the State Council also issued a report on the US human rights record in response. 国家信息委员会办公室同样发表报道对美国人权问题进行回应.
- He touched down in Beijing today (Thursday) hours after bluntly criticizing China's human rights record. 布希在今天(星期四)抵达北京的几个小时前,直率地批评了中国的人权记录。
- Suddenly Nepal was blacklisted for being a terrorist country and the Human Rights record wasreversed. 马上,尼泊尔就上了恐怖国家的黑名单了,人权记录也逆转了。
- The Government's human rights record remained poor, and the Government continued to commit numerous and serious abuses. 中国政府的人权记录仍然不佳,政府严重侵犯人权、滥用权力的情况仍很普遍。
- An Australian torchbearer also said she was pulling out of Thursday's relay in Canberra out of concerns over China's human rights record. 一名澳大利亚的火炬手也说她退出了星期四奥运火炬在堪培拉的传递,因为不想涉及到中国的人权记录。
- As the Olympics near, China is coming under increasing pressure from activists, rights groups and even Hollywood to improve its human rights record. 随着奥运会的临近,中国受到来自活动人士、权益团体甚至好莱坞的愈来愈大改善人权记录的压力。
- European officials at the meeting made clear that China could aid any push towards lifting the arms embargo by improving its human rights record. 在会议上,欧盟官员明确支出,中国应尽力改善它的人权记录,以求(欧盟)解除武器禁令。
- Musharraf accusedWestern leaders and media of politicizing the Olympics by criticizingChina's human rights record and its policy in Tibet. 穆沙拉夫指责西方领导人和媒以体批判中国人权纪录和西藏政策来将奥运会政治化。
- China's human rights record worsened in some areas in 2008, including the repression of dissidents and of minorities in Tibet, the report said. 中国的人权记录在2008年在一些地区恶化;包括持不同政见者的压制以及少数(民族)在西藏;报告说.
- She spoke after a meeting late Tuesday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit which she said also covered Egypt's human rights record. 赖斯国务卿星期二跟埃及外长盖特举行会谈之后表示,会谈也谈到了埃及的人权纪录问题。
- People carrying Chinese flags strongly outnumbered those carrying Tibetan flags or placards criticizing Beijing's human rights record. 对于中国人权以及发生在西藏的对反政府激进分子的镇压的抗议使奥运会火炬倍受争议。
- A portion of every dollar you spend on Chinese products goes to support the oppressive communist regime and further their abysmal human rights record. 你们买中国车的话,中国赚到的钱中的一部分会被用于支持中共的暴政,会被用于进一步恶化中国的人权状况!
- Some Congressional Democrats are also rising concerns about Colombia’s human rights record and its past repression untried of trade unionists. 一些国会中的民主党人也提出了关于C人权记录和过去镇压贸易工会的担心。
- During the United Nations Human Rights Council assessment on Morocco's rights record last month, Morocco was failing to undertake democratic reforms. 上个月,联合国人权会议对摩洛哥的人权记录进行评估,显示该国对于从事民主改革方面是失败的。