- History is a reservoir of human experience. 历史是人类经历的总汇。
- A human experiment is a especial bargaining activity. 人体实验是一种特殊的交易活动。
- All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear. 人类的种种经验都证明了爱与怕之间的紧密联系。
- He's run the whole gamut of human experience. 他已经历尽人间沧桑。
- Run the whole gamut of human experience. 尝够了人生的甜酸苦辣。
- He is really a mere bookworm lacking human experience. 他真是个缺乏人生阅历的书呆子。
- The human experiment was unable to turn the dial and hear a different band, so the same frequency was broadcast. 人类实验不能转动拨号盘而听到一个不同的波段,因此频率同广播那样。
- Nature holds no grief for the human experiment: it must stand or fall by its results. 大自然没有使人的实验保持不幸:它必然因其结果而成功或失败。
- Floyd said that the human personality and human experience. 弗洛伊德说,人的性格和人的经历有关。
- The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account. 现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应
- Falling in 1ove is the most exquisitely personal of all human experiences. 堕入情网在所有人类经历中是最具个人色彩的。
- Falling in love is the most exquisitely personal of all human experiences. 堕入情网在所有人类经历中是最具个人色彩的。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Heidegger has proposed that human experience in its original form is hermeneutically meaningful. 海德格尔提出起初形式的人类存在是有解释性意义的。
- All kinds of human experience testifies to the close link between love and fear. 人类的种种经历表明,爱和恨是紧密联系的。
- This stark fact goes so far beyond all previous human experience that no social machinery exists to cope with it. 赤裸裸的事实远远超出人类以往所有的经验以致没有现存的社会机构对付得了当前的情况。
- These novels passed because they concerned themselves only with the ephemeral parts of human experience. 其所以过时是因为这些小说写的只是些人生经验中瞬息消逝的部分。
- These novels pass because they concerned themselves only with the ephemeral parts of human experience. 这些小说之所以过时是因为它们写的只是些人生经验中瞬息消逝的部分。
- There is a close connection between the Nazi's criminal human experiments and the superman morality and racialism in the thoughts of German ethics. 德国纳粹人体实验与德国现代伦理思想中的超人道德和种族主义思想密切相关。
- Ordinary representation of time, as a line linking mathematical points, and the human experience. 和作为延伸的意识的时间的人类存在之间的区别。