- Meanwhile,a large number of special human rights bodies for the study of the human rights of women,children and the disabled have emerged. 与此同时,研究妇女、儿童、残疾人等特殊群体人权的机构也大量出现。
- The equal rights of women are enshrined in the Preamble to the UN Charter and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,which legally establish gender equality as a fundamental human right. 《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》载明了妇女的平等权利,在法律上确认两性平等是一项基本人权。
- In short, the love marriage was proclaimed as a human right, and indeed not only as a droit de l'homme, one of the rights of man, but also, for once in a way, as droit de la femme, one of the rights of woman. 总之,由爱情而结合的婚姻被宣布为人的权利,并且不仅是男子的权利,而且在例外的情况下也是妇女的权利。
- More and more men are sticking up for the rights of women. 越来越多的男子维护妇女的权利。
- What does the UN do to promote the equal rights of women? 联合国为促进落实妇女平等权利做些什么?
- No matter what the committee tries to discuss, even if it's only whether or not to paint the railings outside, Vera is always shouting the odds about the rights of women. 不管委员会想讨论什么,即使只是讨论是否要油漆外面的栏杆,维拉也总是为争取妇女的权利而大声疾呼。
- Was her “Vindication of the Rights of Woman” unmentionable? 是她的“女性权利论辩”不值得一提?
- human rights of women 妇女人权
- This great forward march is an important component of the progressive cause of women worldwide; it is also an important part of the progress China has made in human rights. 这是世界妇女进步事业的重要组成部分,也是中国人权进步的重要组成部分。
- People who value human rights should not forget the rights of the state. 人们支持人权,但不要忘记还有一个国权。
- Jane is always holding forth about the rights of women. 简总是滔滔不绝地讲述妇女权利的问题。
- Women s reproduction health is one of their basic human rights,and a mark of how far they progress in women s lib and a mark of the enhancement of women s statue. 女性生殖健康是妇女的一项基本人权,也是妇女解放程度和妇女地位提高的重要标志。
- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- Pray for initiatives to massively improve the rights of women. 为主动开始大幅度地改善妇女的权利祷告。
- Barbara Plett:Human rights activists outside parliament shouted "shame!Shame!"They were furious that a senator had called the murder of women a reflection of tribal tradition. 人权护卫者在国会门前大喊着“耻辱,耻辱”,(早些时候)一名参议员曾表示这些妇女的死亡是地方习俗的原因,因此激怒了反对者。
- For a country and nation, human right should be the right of living. 对于一个国家和民族来说,人权首先是人民的生存权。
- The economic,social and cultural rights of women have been guaranteed. 妇女的经济、社会、文化权利得到保障。
- Public health facilities are a necessary guarantee for the human rights of life and health. 卫生事业是保障人的生命健康权的必要条件。
- They were split on the question of women's rights. 他们在女权问题上意见分歧。
- His championship of women's rights is well known. 他提倡女权是众所周知的。