- SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES-Advise on good Human Resources practice, i.e. terms and conditions of employment, staf...... ... 公司名称:常熟市通和人力资源服务有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2008-9-24
- supportive human resources practice 支持性人力资源实践
- Responsible managerial position in human resources. 人力资源方面负责管理的职务。
- From an overall standpoint, several large-sample, cross-industry studies have reported that firms using innovative human resource practices outperform firms that do not use such practices. 从总的方面来看,一些近期的大样本、跨行业研究显示,利用创新人力资源方法的公司比没有利用这些方法的公司有更好的表现。
- human resources practice 人力资源实践
- We have unparalleled human resources. 我们有举世无双的人力资源。
- Guangzhou City Zhongyu Human Resources Co., Ltd. 广州市中禹人才资源有限公司。
- Human resources decide who and who not to hire. 人事部决定雇用或者不雇用谁。
- Advances in Developing Human Resources. 人力资源开发进展。
- Fuzhou Orient Human Resources Int'I, Ltd. 福州东方时代境外就业服务有限公司。
- She is a human resources manager. 她是一个人力资源部经理。
- Human resources are the most valuable. 人力资源是最可宝贵的资源。
- I report to the Human Resources Manager. 我向人力资源经理汇报工作。
- Hill has not yet found him and human resources. 山身上还有人类至今尚未发现的资源。
- The Practice and Cases of Human Resource Management II. 人力资源管理实务及案例2。
- Human resources have long been an important asset for Hong Kong. 人力资源向来是香港宝贵的资产。
- In Search of the Best Human Resource Practices in China's Chain Stores 高绩效工作系统与组织绩效:中国连锁行业的实证研究
- Human resources experts have forecast a job-hopping spree. 据人力资源专家们预测,春节后将刮起一阵“跳槽风”。
- human resource practice 人力资源实践