- The rarest of all human quality is consistency. 人类最宝贵的品质是坚韧不拔。
- Kindness is a human quality which everyone admires. 仁慈是人人称赞的人类品质。
- There's a human quality to this picture. 这张照片具有一种人文特质。
- The rarest of all human qualities is consistency. 人类最宝贵的品质是持之以恒。
- Responsible for two water supply facility wash and disinfect verifying and management of the human quality. 负责二次供水设施清洗消毒资质的审核和管理工作。
- As for knowledge significance to human still remain the static elaboration of result on improving human quality. 至于知识于人的意义则着力于对人的素质这一表象的认识上。
- Human quality is the human spirit "of human cultural quality" in Confucious spirit. 摘要国学之大成儒家精神认为人文素质就是一种“人文化成”的人文精神。
- Although it is the outcome of a certain historical background,civicism represents a basic human quality in modern society. 公民精神虽产生于一定的历史时期,但它表达了现代社会人的基本素质。
- Although it is the outcome of a certain historical background, civicism represents a basic human quality in modem society. 公民精神虽产生于一定的历史时期,但它表达了现代社会人的基本素质。
- The development strategy of Xiamen SEZ in the 21th century is integrated with its cultural construction and human quality cultivation. 进入21世纪,厦门特区发展战略目标的实现关键同厦门特区文化建设和人的素质的提高有着极为密切的关系。
- Two Courses" teaching has close connection with humane quality education. 两课"教学与人文素质教育之间具有紧密的联系。
- Key word: Any is the environment, the environment question, the environmental protection concept, the population base element, the white pollution, the human quality and so on. 关键词:什么是环境、环境问题、环保概念、人口基素、白色污染、人口素质等。
- In short, our interpretation of dreams may say a lot less about some quixotic search for hidden truth than it does about another enduring human quality: optimistic thinking. 简而言之,我们对梦的解释会很少空想性地探寻隐匿的事实,而更多的是体现了人类的另一种永久性特质:凡事都往好处想。
- Crucially, though, he never loses the human qualities of the story. 然而至关重要的是,萧贝尔先生没有丢掉故事中的人文素质。
- The managing science methodology is not only human quality , but is in obedience to a society again. It becomes the properties of society of the science management. 管理的科学方法论既是人类品质的造化,又是群体意志的遵从,进而成为科学管理的社会属性。
- In traditional physical education, the humanities quality is spareness, the integration cultrual quality is low. 在传统的体育教学中,人文素质贫乏,综合文化素质较低。
- Humane care is the guide to carry out the humane quality education; the course teaching is important carrier of humane quality education. 认为人文关怀是实施人文素质教育的先导,课程教学是人文素质教育的重要载体。
- The Classical Works'Teaching in College Chinese and Humanism Quality's Developing of the College Students. 加强古典文学教学提高大学生人文素质。
- Discussion on Present Situation and Factors Influencing of Humanities Quality Education in Teachers'College of P. E. 高等师范体育教育专业人文素质教育的现状及影响因素探讨。
- The explosion of the challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident at chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology, they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire and there was no ready hand to set them right. 美国的宇宙飞船挑战者号的爆炸和俄罗斯切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故让我们理解了人类技术的脆弱面,在这两起事件提供的案例中,周密的计划突然陷入混乱,而有关当局却没有事先预备应急措施。