- All wealth comes ultimately from human labor. 一切财富归根到底来源於人类的劳动。
- human labor power 人的劳动力
- Shandong Xinrong Labor Power Service Co., Ltd. 山东欣荣人才服务有限公司。
- Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed. 节省劳力的设计用来在工作时保持人体能量或减轻劳动强度的
- They have plenty of labor power but they haven't enough food. 他们有充足的劳力,但是没有足够的食物。
- "And have not our human labors changed the earth"? “还有我们人类的劳动还没有改变地球吗?”
- These systems require a human labor investment that is high by the standards of mechanized farming. 这种系统所需投入的人工,用机械化农业的标准来衡量是很高的。
- Meanwhile, Overclass will invite experts from the global leading labor power administration service organizations. 同时,卓越会邀请全球领先的人力资源服务机构的专家。
- Others, like the telephone or the airplane, perform operations that direct human labor could not perform at all. 至于电话和飞机这样的发明创造,它们所执行的作业是直接人力无法执行的。
- If do not have enormous labor power, technology, system, experience, accomplish very hard superintend in the round. “现在正进入市场格局相对稳定的发展期,谈整合为时尚早。”副总裁邓薇告诉记者。
- Silvan natural resources belongs to reproducible rich, it can carry od and labor power joint action is formed. 森林资源属于可再生的自然资源,它可通过自然力和人力共同作用形成。
- Especially in labor-abundant countries, it may be a waste of resources to encourage the substitution of chemical pesticides for human labor. 尤其是在哪些劳力充裕的国家,鼓励以化学药物取代人力可能是一种浪费资源的作法。
- the displacement of human labor by machines 人力被机器的取代
- That is why the worker must sell or rent out his labor power rather be sole producer and appropriator of all the product he sets his band and brain to. 这就是为什么工人必须出售或租出他的劳动力而不是成为耗费了他体力和脑力的全部产品的生产者或占有者。
- The scarcest resource for today’s business leaders is no longer just land, capital or human labor, and it certainly isn’t information. 对今天的企业领导人来说,最稀缺的资源不再只是土地、资金或劳动力,也当然不是信息。
- It can save the resources for labor power, data processing, to simplify tax administration and enhance tax affairs with Internet filing. 网路申报可节省稽征机关登录的人力,缩短资料处理时间,简化税务行政,增进政府行政效能。
- In Overclass,you can share the global latest ideas of labor power administration and the administrant experience which is suitable for China practice. 在卓越会,可以分享到全球最新的人力资源管理思想和切合中国实际的管理经验。
- The value of information commodity is the average human labor condensed in information commodities, and the usage value of information commodity is the use of it. 信息商品的价值是凝结在信息商品中的一般人类劳动,信息商品的使用价值是信息商品的有用性。
- And couplet numerous company settles this matter to answer, threw material resources of much labor power, cost more than 1000000 yuan. 而联众公司为应对解决此事,则投入了大量人力物力,花费百万余元。
- The replacement of human laborers with computers and self-regulating machines. 用计算机和自动化控制的机器来代替人力。