- human geography course group 人文地理课程群
- Exemplifying the teaching unit of human geography course, part five designs the teaching unit plan and provides some relevant cases, for the application of Web-based instruction mode . 第五部分,以人文地理学课程教学单元为例,设计了单元教学计划,并提供了相关教学案例,以期为本教学模式的实施提供一些实践性的指导和启示。
- Recently,the humane geography course in Fujian Normal University has been listed as provincial excellent course in colle ge. Several problems existed in the humane geography course were discovered. 从我国高校人文地理学课程现状的分析入手;结合教育部师范司面向21世纪高校地理学课程改革的研究;就高校人文地理学的课程设置、课程体系、课程的基本理论建设等方面存在的问题进行分析.
- New Thoughts on the Construction of Human Geography Course in Senior Teacher Education in the New Century 新世纪高师人文地理学课程建设新思维
- In the course of development of human geography played a certain role in the geography still on the "dualism. 在人文地理学发展过程中起过一定作用的还有地理学上的“二元论”。
- humane geography course 人文地理课程
- Earth sciences Geography Human geography Geography-Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. 资源类型:人文地理学地理学术语表地理学字典。
- The modern development in geography and reform in geographical education have put new requirements to global geography course. 摘要当代地理学发展与地理课程教学改革对世界地理类课程提出新要求。
- Kitchin, Rob (2000) Conducting research in human geography : theory, methodology and practice, Harlow : New York. 陈国川(1995)地理教材设计的理论与实践,台北:师大书苑。
- Fellmann, J. D., Arthur Getis, Judith Getis, Human geography: landscapes of human activities, Boston: McGraw Hill.1999. 程连生;等.;太原盆地东南部农村聚落空心化机理分析[J]
- Kitchin, Rob(2000)Conducting research in human geography : theory, methodology and practice, Harlow : New York. 陈国川(1995)地理教材设计的理论与实践,台北:师大书苑。
- Such changes would transform the physical geography of our planet, as well as the human geography how and where we live our lives. 诸如此类的变化不仅将造成自然地理的改变,也会带来人文地理的变化,关系到人类将如何及在何处生活。
- Results With the amendment of the teaching plan and program and the improvement of subject construction and course system reform,the optimized course group was formed. 结果通过修订医学影像学专业教学计划、教学大纲和加强医学影像学学科建设与课程体系的改革,促使优化课程群的形成。
- Such changes would transform the physical geography of the planet, as well as the human geography how and where we live our lives. 这种变化还将转化成地球上的自然地理变化,以及人类的地理变化,即人类在什么地方生活,如何继续生活。
- Results With the amendment of the teaching plan and program end the improvement of subject construction ad course system reform, the optimized course group was formed. 结果通过修订医学影像学专业教学计划、教学大纲和加强医学影像学学科建设与课程体系的改革,促使优化课程群的形成。
- In Vidal - Bai Lan Shi and Bai Alabrune of human geography works, are also included racial and ethnic geographical content. 在维达尔-白兰士和白吕纳的人文地理学著作中,也都包含种族和民族地理的内容。
- Relative comparative disciplines of the western provinces mainly have Ethnography, Culturology, Human Geography and Environment. 而西部省份的相对优势领域主要分布在民族学、文化学、人文地理和环境科学。
- Focusing on the appliance of the method of human geography, the appliance of cartology and region analysis runs through this paper. 文章注重人文地理学方法的运用,“地图法”以及“区位分析法”的运用贯穿全文。
- This paper discusses the commonness and characteristics of engineering course reform in course group s perspective, and puts forward some suggestions as to how to conduct course reform. 从课程群的角度讨论了工科课程改革的共性与特点,并就如何进行课程改革提出了建议。
- Such a radical change in the physical geography of the world must lead to major changes in the human geography - where people live and how they live their lives. 这种世界物理地理方面的剧烈变化必将导致人类地理的重大变化,影响到人们在哪里生活,如何生活。