- This picture is a closeness of the human eye. 这张照片是人眼的特写。
- human eye response 人眼响应
- The microscope is a useful auxiliary to human eye. 显微镜是肉眼的有用助手。
- All intensity measurements using photometric units include a spectral bias (spectral response of the human eye). 运用光度计装量进行辐射强度测量都应包括一个光谱的偏倚(人眼对光谱的敏感度)。
- The human eye has a pupil diameter which, of course, varies. 人眼瞳孔直径当然是可变的。
- The human eye can distinguish over one million shades of color. 人的肉眼可以区分超过一百万种同色度的颜色。
- The human eye can distinguish over one million shade s of color. 人类的眼睛能分辨一百万种以上色度深浅不同的颜色。
- This color space mimics how the human eye perceives color. 这个色彩空间模仿了人类眼睛对颜色的感觉。
- CCDs and the human eye do not “see” light the same way, however. 然而,CCD侦测到光线的原理和肉眼不同。
- The human eye can distinguish 10 million different shades of colors. 人的眼睛能分辨出一千万种不同的色调。
- But human eyes excel in other ways. 然而,人眼在其他方面有优越之处。
- The human eye has three types of light receptors, known as cones, located in the retina. 人眼具有三种类型的光接收器,称之为锥体,分布在视网膜上。
- His human eyes scream to me out of horror of his death. 他的眼睛从死亡的恐怖中向我惊呼。
- Most cells are too small to be detected by the unaided human eyes. 绝大多数细胞都很小,肉眼看不到。
- They said that the universe would appear to the human eye to be a light greenish color, called turquoise. 他们说宇宙在人的眼睛看来是轻的浅绿色的,被叫做青绿色。
- The fine focusing or accommodation of the human eye is a function performed by the crystalline lens. 人眼的精细聚焦或调节的功能是由水晶体执行的。
- His humaneness eyes tell u he knows everything. 不过小贝的最大缺点就是---不喜欢洗澡,郁闷啊。
- The human eye has three types of light receptors,known as cones,located in the retina. 人眼具有三种类型的光接收器,称之为锥体,分布在视网膜上。
- These light oscillations can sometimes be perceived by the human eye, and this phenomenon is known as flicker. 这些光的变动有时可被人的肉眼察觉。
- Faith is like the radar that sees through the fog-the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see. 信仰像透视迷雾的雷达,能够洞悉肉眼难辨的远景。