- Aspherics facilitated with wave-front technology is more close to the function of human crystalline lens and will become a new generation of the intraocular lenses. 采用非球面光学和波面像差技术设计开发的非球面人工晶状体的功能更接近生理晶状体的性能,将成为人工晶状体行业的新标准。
- Modeling and Simulating of Human Crystalline Lens 人眼晶状体建模与仿真研究综述
- Aspheric topographical features of the anterior surface of the human crystalline lens 人正常晶状体前表面的非球面地形特征
- human crystalline lens 晶状体
- The fine focusing or accommodation of the human eye is a function performed by the crystalline lens. 人眼的精细聚焦或调节的功能是由水晶体执行的。
- Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens. 紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体(眼球)。
- Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens . 紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体(眼球)。
- This is made possible by the action of the crystalline lens and the ciliary muscle to which it is attached. 通过晶状体及其所连着的睫状肌的动作,可以做到这一点。
- Inability of the eye to focus sharply on nearby objects, resulting from loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with advancing age. 远视,老花眼睛不能准确地聚焦在近处物体上的症状,是由年龄增长导致睫状体缺乏弹性引起的
- Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery. 囊切开术,晶状体切开术指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障
- Ectopia lentis is a displacement or malposition of the eye's crystalline lens from its normal location. 什麽是'异位晶状体-流离失所镜头的眼睛'?
- Finish is meeting myopia returned later after operation of resect crystalline lens? 做完割除晶状体手术后以后还会近视吗?
- The lens nuclear sclerosis is one of cataract manifestations. The nucleus of crystalline lens may become sclerosis and opacities under influences of numerous factors in eyes. 晶状体核硬化是白内障的表现之一,晶状体核在眼内受多种因素的影响发生硬化混浊。
- Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight, view is narrow. 汞中毒眼部出现汞中毒性晶状体变化,视功能损害为中心视力下降、视野缩小。
- Grow as the age, vitamin C content drops apparently, crystalline lens is hidebound, as time passes can cause crystalline lens denaturation. 随着年龄增长,维生素C含量明显下降,晶状体营养不良,久而久之会引起晶状体变性。
- Conclusions:Jo int Operation of Corna Fissure Suturation,Traumatic Cataract Extraction and Impl antion of Artificial Crystalline Lens is a comparatively ideal method. :角膜裂伤缝合白内障摘出人工晶状体植入联合手术治疗角膜裂伤合并外伤性白内障 ,术后视力恢复快、并发症少 ,是一种较为理想的手术方法。
- The injurious conditions of crystalline lens were examined for 156 workers exposed to trinitrotoluene(TNT) and the affecting factors to injury caused by TNT were analysed. 本文调查了156名三硝基甲苯(TNT)作业工人的眼晶体损伤情况,并分析了影响TNT损伤眼晶体的有关因素。
- Observation crystal is muddy configuration, place and degree, the color of crystalline lens nucleus, combinative medical history defines the quality of cataract. 观察晶体混浊形态、部位与程度,晶状体核的颜色,结合病史确定白内障的性质。
- Catarct is a kind of common disease which can cause blindness in the world.It occurs when proteins and lipids of crystalline lens are injured by oxidization. 白内障是一种常见的世界性致盲性疾病,由于晶状体内氧化和抗氧化系统失去平衡,晶状体内的蛋白质和脂质受到氧化损伤所致。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。