- Having human characteristics or form. 具人形状的具有人的特质或外表的
- To ascribe human characteristics to things not human. 使人化使非人的事物人格化
- Of all human characteristics, it seems to be the one most coveted. 在人类的所有特性之中,这似乎是最令人垂涎的。
- And here is the birthplace of Palestinian culture, rich human characteristics. 并且这里还是巴文化发源地,人文特色浓郁。
- It was, after all, a human characteristic. 说到底这符合人的本性。
- "Animals with human characteristics are an unbeatable combination," channel manager Dan Balaam said. 该频道负责人丹·巴兰说:“具有人类特性的动物是无敌组合。”
- At present, the danger of art field does not lie in creativeness itself, but lies in the human characteristics of art. 目前艺术界的危机已经不在于创造性本身,而在于艺术的人类品质本身。
- It is a human characteristic to exercise a conscious dynamic role. 自觉的能动性是人类的特点。
- Anthropomorphism means the assigning of human characteristics - thought, feeling, consciousness, and motivation - to the nonhuman. “拟人说/论”赋予非人类人的情感:思想、感觉、意识、动机。
- Instead of falling into distinct types clearly separate from one another, human characteristics flow endlessly together. 人类特征不是分为明显相互区别的截然不同的类别,而是无穷尽地融合在一起。
- Critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, suggest that faith is a useless (or worse) by-product of other human characteristics. 宗教的批评者,例如理查德.;道金斯和斯蒂芬
- A humane characteristic,attribute,or act. 人性仁慈的特征、品质或行动
- Instead, the Deep Blue computer took on almost human characteristics to play what seemed on the surface to be a foolishly risky endgame. 相反,在残局阶段计算机“深蓝”几乎带上了人类的特征,走出了表面看来似乎非常愚蠢冒险的几步棋。
- A humane characteristic, attribute, or act. 人性仁慈的特征、品质或行动
- His intellectual honesty only equals his stubbornness, and his life is dedicated to the implementation of the rule of law with human characteristics. 他在学术上的诚实仅仅对应于他的倔强,他将自己的人生致力于具有人性化特色的法治建设。
- In each Chapter I analyze the human characteristics attributable to his fairy tale's characters such as: truculence, arrogance, jealousy, etc. in his fairy tales. 此外,宫泽贤治对于这些人性表现的想法,以及该想法的变迁等,也是本论文进行时所必须要注意的重点之所在。
- It [clt] explains why many human characteristics follow the normal curve, as attributes such as height or weight can be thought of as a sort of “average”. 我本来的意思没说清,被昏昏一逼就乱说,固然是功力不行,也因为看到北大的就心慌意乱,可能是从前落下的病根。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The reason why the situation of using torture to coerce a statement has a rampant tendency can be analyzed from its present situation,philosophical base,cultural background and human characteristics. 刑讯逼供何以“刑如韭,剪复生”,可以从其存在的现实状况,哲学基础、文化背景、人性特征方面分析,探究刑讯逼供的泛滥成灾之势。
- There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult. 最近30年来,学术界如果有任何作为的话,乃完全背离了价值投资的教训。