- Basing on the theory of human capital property right, demand hierarchy and life span development, this paper establishes a model of the dynamic motivation for NPO human capital, and makes a quantity of evaluation on dynamic motivation. 本文基于人力资本产权理论,结合不同需求阶段的激励要求和人生心理发展周期理论,建立了非营利组织人力资本的动态激励模型,并进行了定量评价。
- This article refers to the path on human capital property right that can be realized with Stock Appreciation Rights、Phanom Stock Plan、limited stock、stock option and Management Buy-outs(MBO) etc. 本文提出了高管人力资本产权化的可能路径虚拟股份制、股票期权制度及管理层收购等。
- Building incentive mechanism, and from this point of view, companies necessitate to ensure rights of human capital property rights for executives. 第三、对经营者激励不足主要是因为经营者人力资本产权界定存在问题。
- Institutional Arrangement of TVEs'Human Capital Property Right 乡镇企业人力资本产权的制度安排
- The question of partition of the structure and the ascription of human capital property rights is not a slighting theoretic question in the corporation human capital investment research. 界定人力资本产权的归属的问题是企业人力资本投资研究中的一个不可忽视的理论问题。
- Endogenons Incentives Mechanism of SOES'Manager Based on Human Capital Property Right 基于人力资本产权特征的国有企业经理内生激励机制
- Human capital property right and the formation of endogenetic encouragement mechanism of the state - run enterprises 人力资本产权与国有企业经理内生激励机制的形成
- Effects of Human Capital Property Right Transformation on the Theory of Accounting Equity 人力资本产权化对会计权益理论的影响
- A Study on the Encouragement of Human Capital Property Rights Based on MBO 基于管理层收购的人力资本产权激励研究
- human capital property right 人力资本产权
- On "Human Capital Property Rights" and the Relation Between Intellect Capital with It 论"人力资本产权"分歧的化解及其与智力资本的关系
- Incomplete Human Capital Property Rights and the Lose of Stimulating Efficiency to Its Staff 人力资本产权残缺与员工激励效率损失
- On the Conditions of Human Capital Property Rights Paticipating in the Distribution of Enterprise's Surplus Property 论人力资本产权参与企业剩余财产索取的条件
- At this circs, the company how to reform the property right structure bases on the human capital ,which is the theme of this paper. 在这种情况下,企业如何以人力资本理论为指导,进行中小企业的产权结构改革,并最终促进企业的持续成长是本文研究的主题。
- Institutional Arrangements of Human Capital Property Rights for Brain Drain in Enterprises 防止企业人才流失的人力资本产权的制度安排
- Discovers the DSS is an ideal property right arrangement on inspiriting and restricting human capital owner by comparing. 在对人力资本所有者的激励与约束上,“动态股权制”是一种较为理想的产权安排。
- Manpower capital property right is had exclusiveness, dissoluble sex and can trade the attribute such as the gender. 人力资本产权具有排他性、可分解性和可交易性等属性。
- The intelligence capital property right has three remarkable characteristics: The capital is privately owned, incomplete denigrating oneself, value realizes spontaneity. 资产性质决定产权关系,掌握收益权,实现收益最大化,是理性主体投资决策的依据和基础。
- Through the model analysis, this thesis digs out the characteristics of human capital property rights: as for the contractual features, the human capital property right shows the characters of imperfect contract and psychological contract significantly; 通过管理模式的分析,本文分析出人力资本产权特征:就其契约特征而言,表现为不完全契约特征和心理契约特征;