- To what degree do human activities influence it? 人类活动的影响程度如何?
- Economics is one of the subjects which concern human activities. 经济是有关人类活动的学科之一。
- The observed river runoff is resulted from the nature and human activities. 实测径流是自然与人类活动双重作用的结果。
- It is not yet known whether robots will one day control our human activities. 现在还不知道机器人能否有朝一日控制我们人类的活动。
- Of all human activities, agriculture leaves the biggest footprint on Earth. 在人类所有的活动中,农业对地球的影响最钜。
- Moreover, all stem in part from human activities such as habitat alteration. 此外,每个因子都衍生自人类活动,例如使栖境发生变化。
- Artificial oases are arid lands transformed by long-term human activities. 人工绿洲是在干旱条件下经长期人类活动改造而形成的特殊景观。
- The essence of language is human activity. 语言的本质是人类活动。
- All human activity is prompted by desire. 人类的所有活动都是由愿望驱动的。
- Aviation is still quite a recent human activity. 航空仍然是人类一项相当新的事业。
- Does human activity improve or damage the earth? 人类活动是改善还是破坏了地球?
- Human activated protein C resistance,APCR Elis... 人活化蛋白C抵抗素(APCR)试剂盒;
- Human activities that contribute to the heating or that exacerbate its effects must be limited. 造成全球变暖或加剧了其结果的人类活动必须加以限制。
- By this theory, human activity is aggravating the arsenic problem. 根据这个理论,人类活动恶化了砷污染问题。
- Literature reflect human activity as carry on by the best mind. 文学表现了由专家进行的人类的活动。
- All human activity springs from two sources: impulse and desire. 人类的一切活动都发生于两个来源:冲动与愿望。
- The rapid growth of its population,industry and commerce remain at the root of pollution by human activities. 人口激增,工商业蓬勃发展,这些人类活动正是污染的根源。
- By analyzing place-names, We can reconstruct past landform and different human activities in history. 本文藉由台南市东区四组地名之时空特性,分析东区由街肆与乡野幷存的地表景观,逐渐形成学校、关及新与社区林立的文教区之过程及区域特性。
- If no ideals encourage human activities, these activities become trifling and meaningless. 如果没有理想鼓励人活动,这些活动变得少许而无意义。
- During this same period, other human activities will exert a variety of stresses on forest eco-systems. 在同一时期内,其他人类活动将给森林生态系统带来种种胁迫。