- Human exposure to various chemicals has been the subject of much speculation. 人类所置身其中的各种化学物质已成为思考的对象。
- Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 pcercent less than on the downside. 在街道上,走在上风口比走在下风口要减少50%25的污染。
- Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be50 pcercent less than on the downside. 在街道上,走在上风口比走在下风口要减少50%25污染。
- Human exposure to aflatoxin is principally through ingestion of contaminated foods. 人类主要是经进食受污染食物而摄取到黄曲霉毒素。
- The UV lamp should be sealed completely to avoid human exposure to the UV radiation. 紫外光灯应完全密封,以免任何人受到紫外线辐射影响。
- Mandating further emission cuts, it argued, would not solve the problem of human exposure to the neurotoxin. 他们声称,大幅减少排放量的命令,并无法解决人类暴露于神经毒素中的问题。
- Risk assessment is the scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to food-borne hazards. 风险评估是以科学方法,评估食物危害对人体健康所造成已知或潜在的不良影响。
- DNA adducts is a very important class of biomarkers of human exposure to carcinogen, cancer risk assessment, and population susceptibility. 摘要 DNA加合物是一类重要的生物标志物,可应用于人体致癌物暴露监测、癌症风险评价和人群易感性研究。
- As just one example, the healthy marketplace approach, devised to reduce human exposure to avian influenza, will also help prevent other foodborne diseases. 正如健康市场措施,目的是减少人类与禽流感的接触,但也将有助于预防其它食源性疾病。
- Not only the size of An. minimus population affected IFAT positive rates, but also the length of its annual activity time and the degree of human exposure to its bite too. IFAT 阳性率不但受微小按蚊种群大小的影响,而且受其年活动时间和人暴露给它叮咬程度的影响。
- Reuters said, occurred after human exposure to sick pigs infected with swine flu cases, but no cases of swine flu showed that interpersonal communication Keren. 路透社说,发生在人类接触病猪感染了猪流感病例,但没有发生猪流感表明,人际沟通可人。
- IEEE C95.1-1991, “Safety level with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz ”, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., New York, 1991. 吴宗霖、郑博仁、郭志文,行动电话及基地台电磁波对人体健康之影响程度评估及其防范措施(一),交通部电信总局委讬研究计划,2001。
- IEEE C95.1-1999, “Safety level with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz ”, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., New York, 1999. 行政院环保署,环境中电磁波检测方法-调辐调频广播电台、无线电视台、行动电话基地台,行政院环保署,2003。
- Each year, tens of thousands of people suffer from illnesses linked to pollution, such as respiratory infections and exposure to tainted water. 每年不计其数的人患上与环境污染有关的疾病,例如呼吸道感染和污水导致的各种疾病等。
- Electrical conductivity affected by exposure to light. 光电导性,光电导率受光暴露影响的电传导
- I feel it is our duty not to pollute our environment. 我感觉我们有责任不污染我们的环境。
- Avoid exposure to persons in early pregnancy. 避免妊娠初期的辐射接触。
- Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation. 射线疗法暴露在辐射前的疗法或冶疗
- Medical therapy involving exposure to sunlight. 日光(浴)疗法一种通过暴露在阳光里达到治疗效果的治疗方法
- Therapeutic exposure to sunlight. 治疗性的曝晒