- hub of overland communications 陆路交通的中心
- Lanzhou is the communications hub of the Northwest. 兰州是西北交通的要冲。
- The design room is the hub of a clothing company. 设计室是服装公司的中心。
- He thinks that Boston is the hub of the universe. 他认为波士顿是世界的中心.
- He thought that Boston is the hub of the universe. 他认为波士顿是世界的中心。
- Chicago is a hub of airline traffic. 芝加哥是航运中心。
- Tokio is the main hub of the small Japanese zone. 东京则是较小的日本次区的中心。
- An SCM repository is a busy hub of activity. 一个配置管理库就是一个繁忙的活动枢纽。
- Dynamic Korea : the hub of Msia. 韩国信息服务中心制作.
- The airport is the economic hub of the area. 机场是该地区的经济枢纽。
- The playground is the hub of parental supervision. 游乐场是家长监督的中心。
- A road leads through the eastern commercial hub of Bukavu, Congo. 一条马路穿过刚果布卡武东部的商业区。
- Dunhuang had been a strategic passage and communications hub of the Silk Road. 敦煌曾经是丝绸之路的噤喉和要冲。
- A fairing fitted over the hub of the propeller in some aircraft. 螺桨毂盖,机头整流罩某些飞机上装于螺旋桨叶毂上的整流罩
- Flinders Street Station, hub of Melbourne's suburban railways. 弗林德斯街站是墨尔本市郊铁路的枢纽。
- Shaoyang will be another new important hub of communications in central Hunan. 邵阳即将成为湘中腹地新的交通枢纽。
- The wave distribution of soil water along hillslope results from the fluctuation of overland flow, upslope runoff infiltration, and lateral downslope flow. 土壤水分沿坡面呈“波浪形”分布是坡面径流的波动性、上方来水(径流)的沿程入渗以及侧向沿坡向下流等综合作用的结果。
- A round covering over the hub of the wheel of a motor vehicle. 毂盖机动车轮毂上的圆盖
- Let the test team be a hub of for all product quality information. 让测试组成为所有产品的质量信息的交汇点。
- The preliminary result indicates that Reynolds number and Froude number of overland flow tend to increase as slope gradient increases in the condition of same bed surface and flow discharge. 初步得出以下结论:(1)在床面和流量相同条件下,坡面流雷诺数和佛汝德数均随坡度的增加而增大。