- howllowbowl centrifuge 空杯澄清机
- Shut off the degasser and centrifuge. 关掉除气器和离心机。
- This centrifuge power unit must be rechecked. 这台离心机的动力装置必须重新检查。
- Yi Ke is in hematic cell centrifuge catharsis. 亦可在血细胞分离机中洗涤。
- After cooling, the emulsion flows into a centrifuge. 冷却后,乳状液流入离心分离机。
- He took the centrifuge apart, but failed to locate the trouble. 他把离心机拆开,但找不出毛病在哪里。
- A centrifuge used to determine the volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood. 血球容量计,血流比容计一种离心机,用于测定所给样血中血细胞和浆细胞的容量
- A centrifuge is a device for whirling an object with a high velocity. 离心机是使物体作高速旋转的装置。
- The nitrocellulose and water slurry was transferred to a centrifuge. 把硝化棉和水的浆液转移到离心机中。
- They sediment toward the bottom of the centrifuge tube at a velocity. 它们以某一速度向管底方向沉降。
- Water and Sediment in Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge, Method of Test for (05. 用离心法测定馏出燃料中水和沉淀物的试验方法(05。
- The specially designed centrifuge element provides the primary separation. 这个特殊设计的离心机提供了主要的分离。
- Horizontal main settlement centrifuge production and sales;-cycloid reducer. 主要生产销售卧式沉降离心机;
- You centrifuge the solution, decant the supernatant, and discard the pellet. 你然后对溶液离心,慢慢倒出上清,弃沉淀。对上清液你加更多的硫酸铵。
- The hydraulic pressure here is very low. We need to install a centrifuge pump. 我们这个地方的水压太低,需要安装一个离心泵了。
- The gas centrifuge technology is studied for the separation of Xe isotopes. 采用离心法进行了氙同位素离心分离。
- This High Speed Tabletop Refrigerated Centrifuge is compact and easy to run. 本型号高速台式冷冻离心机,机型小、轻巧简便;
- That's the same weight as the magnets used in Iraq's gas centrifuge program before the Gulf War. 这与海湾战争前伊拉克气体离心分离机计划所用的磁体重量相当。
- The use of a smaller centrifuge will merely make the operations more time-consuming. 用一架小些的离心机只会使操作过程耗费更多的时间。
- Intercepted communications from mid-2000 through last summer show that Iraq front companies sought to buy machines that can be used to balance gas centrifuge rotors. 2000年中期夏末时候截获的通话显示伊拉克公司试图采购可用于进行配平气体离心分离机转子的机械。