- I don't know how to tackle this problem. 我不知道该如何处理这个问题。
- I do not know how to tackle this problem . 我不知道该如何处理这个问题。
- How to tackle a possible pandemic? 如何预防可能的传播?
- That depends (on) how to tackle the problem. 全看怎样处理这个问题了。
- We were learning how to tackle an opposing player. 当时,我们正在学习如何拦截对手。
- Could you give me a few pointers on how to tackle the job? 这工作怎麽做,你能不能给我出点主意?
- My views on how to tackle the problem were not considered right and proper. 我对如何解决这一问题的看法被认为不合适。
- How to tackle this kind of question in MC?ECON, BS, HIST... 但十年后,鸟的数量可以变成几百万只或几万只。
- How to Tackle FX Risk of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform for Commercial Banks? 商业银行如何应对人民币汇率改革进程中的汇率风险?
- AIDS is a sensitive area, which many schools are unsure of how to tackle. 艾滋病是一个敏感的话题,许多学校都不知道如何应对。
- The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to tackle it. 老师提的问题是那样难,以致于学生们不知道怎么解决。
- The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils didn't know how to tackle. 老师提出的这个问题非常难,学生们不知道如何解答。
- The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the students did not know how to tackle it. 老师提的问题是那样难,以致学生们不知道怎么去解决。
- How to tackle social and economic benefits of environmental improvement projects? 环保项目为何效益失衡?
- My views on how to tackle the problem were not considered right and proper and there was a very heated argument. 人们认为,我对如何处理这个问题的看法不恰当,因此,展开了一场热烈的讨论。
- Ministers from the G20 group of rich and emerging economies are meeting in the UK amid rifts over how to tackle the worst downturn in decades. 来自富裕和新兴经济体国家的二十国集团的部长在关于如何几十年来应对最最严重的衰退的分歧上汇聚在英国.
- Perpetual intermediates know how to use reference materials. They are motivated to dig deeper and learn, as long as they don’t have to tackle too much at once. 永久的中间用户知道如何使用参考资料,只要不是必须一次解决所有问题,他们就有深入学习和研究的动机。
- There are many things we don't understand and are therefore unable to tackle, but through debate and struggle we shall come to understand them and learn how to tackle them. 有许多事情我们不知道,因此不会解决,在辩论中间,在斗争中间,我们就会明了这些事情,就会懂得解决问题的方法。
- Summary measures should be disaggregated into levels and causes of child and adult mortality, so that meaningful inferences can be drawn on how to tackle sources of inequality. 儿童和成年人死亡率的概括性测量可以分解成不同的水平和原因,从而可以得出关于如何解决不公平来源的更有意义的推论。
- Its officers and project managers have a clear enough sense of how to tackle each project, Ms.Zollinger says, that she doesn’t need to micromanage the process. 左林格表示,他们的管理人员和项目经理对如何处理每一个项目有足够清醒的头脑,因此她不必事必躬亲。