- Guangdong why freelances housing provident fund being done? 广东为何对自由职业者的住房公积金问题暂不做规定?
- Can jointly apply for the purchase of second-hand housing provident fund loans? 购买二手房可否共同申请公积金贷款?
- Chonju housing provident fund established network management system. 建立全州住房公积金联网管理体系。
- All housing provident fund coverage and increased accumulation capacity. 各地住房公积金覆盖面扩大,提高了归集量。
- In calculating the amount of funds available for housing provident fund rate 95.25%. 按照可用资金额度计算住房公积金使用率达95.;25%25。
- Lanzhou City non-public enterprise workers no housing provident funds from next year will change. 兰州市非公有制企业职工没有住房公积金的情况将会从明年起发生改变。
- Please contact Ningbo Housing Provident Fund Administration Center once found any mistake in the checked account note. 本帐单若核对有误,请及时与宁波市公积金管理中心联系。
- Parents as a common loan applicants, took the repayment of loans, and whether I can get housing provident fund? 父母作为贷款共同申请人代为偿还贷款,是否可以支取本人住房公积金?
- Thus, the housing provident fund system reform routing become an issue that deserves examination. 于是,住房公积金制度改革的路径选择成为了一个值得研究的问题。
- In addition, the housing provident fund roncador no annual fee and small account management fees. 另外,住房公积金龙卡也不收取年费和小额帐户管理费。
- Changes in consumer awareness of such housing residents, housing provident fund loans to stimulate the rapid growth of Qingdao. 这种居民住房消费意识的转变,刺激着青岛住房公积金贷款的迅猛增长。
- Found that the current housing provident funds cover 34% of Henan Province in the country penultimate one, a rate of 14.3% - in the country penultimate. 结果发现,目前河南省住房公积金覆盖率34%25,在全国倒数第一,个贷率14.3%25,在全国倒数第二。
- If the establishment of a provident fund security funds, housing provident funds and pension insurance funds together, that is two boxes of money together. 如果设立公积金保障基金,住房公积金与养老保险基金合而为一,也就是把两个箱子里的钱放在一起。
- Through the post office to deposit all the normal housing provident fund units sent replies to the questionnaire at the same time with letterhead. 通过邮局向所有正常缴存住房公积金单位寄送调查问卷同时附有回复信笺。
- Yesterday, Huangshi City housing provident fund management centres commitments : owner-year public provident fund, the loan can be sold. 昨日,黄石市住房公积金管理中心承诺:缴存公积金满一年的市民,即可贷款买房。
- Benjamin: Yes, and we got the urban housing provident fund to pay for part of it.It's not very hard for us to come up with the money for down payment. 本杰明:可以,我们可以用城市住房公积金来支付一部分,付头款对我们来说也不是很难。
- As essential part of Chinese housing system, the system of housing provident fund arouses concerns of all walks of life. 住房公积金制度作为我国住房体系中的重要组成部分受到了大量的关注。
- Borrowers may make deposits at the housing provident fund operation centers nearest to their homes, and their monthly payment will be 10-24% of their incomes. 借款人可以在其家附近的住房公积金管理中心缴纳首付款,此后,其每月工资收入的10-24%25将用来按期偿还款额。
- Resultant security and efficient services, stringent monitoring and regulating fair and open would Zhuhai housing provident fund management to a new level. 由此带来的安全高效的服务、规范严谨的监控以及公开公正的审批,将使珠海的住房公积金管理上一个新台阶。
- Freelances for the purchase of housing provident fund payment of the full amount by individuals unilateral, and to bank deposits is not much difference. 自由职业者购买住房公积金需由个人单方面缴纳全部金额,与到银行存款并无太大区别。