- Housing stocks moved lower in response. 房屋股票平均价格指数下跌回应.
- Second, reservations were now more housing stock, if the queue, said it will not buy the. 第二,如今订房者多于房源,若不来排队,也就表示必定买不到房。
- The demand for accommodation equipped with running water, gas and, slightly later, electricity, made much of the existing housing stock obsolete. 对自来水,煤气、以及稍后对供电设备的需求,使多数原有住房废弃无用。
- At the beginning of the subprime mortgage problem has spread to other areas, and created a surplus of housing stock, pushing Lower housing prices. 开始于次级抵押贷款的问题已经蔓延到了其他领域,并造成了住房库存过剩的问题,推低了住房价格。”
- Back in 1999, thanks to the prodding of Zhu Rongii, the prime minister, Chinese cities were just starting to privatise the housing stock. 1999年,在时任国务院总理朱镕基的推动下,中国各城市才刚刚开始将存量住房私有化。
- Building housing stock trading funds control system to eliminate intermediary misappropriated funds, earned between acts. 建立存量住房交易资金监管制度,杜绝中介挪用资金、赚取差价等行为。
- A slight rise in dwelling commencements in the September 2007 quarter does little to alter an acute shortage of housing stock in Australia. 2007年第四季度9月份澳大利亚新开楼盘少量上升,不过难以改变严峻的住房储量短缺问题。
- Housing stock market prices, the new commercial housing office, commercial space market price of a tentative biannual publication. 这给一些地方政府留下对楼市价格很大的“调控空间”,对消费者产生误导作用是很大的。
- Total housing stock in 2001 amounted to 2140029 flats,comprising 684709 public rental housing flats,403320 subsidised home ownership flats and 1052000 flats in the private sector. 二零零一年,本港共有2140029个房屋单位,当中684709个为公营租住房屋、403320个为资助自置居所、1052000个为私营房屋。
- In this paper, we look at the relationship between these two issues to examine how government regulation affects the dynamics of the low-income housing stock. 本文从这两个问题间的联系着手来调查政府的规定是如何影响低收入住宅数量动力的。
- The RDZ has reduced the amount of developable urban land, thereby increasing the price of developable land and causing the shortage of affordable housing stock. 由于城市绿化带边缘的开发造成的交通距离增加使得环境污染更为严重,浪费了更多的自然资源。
- HIA's Chief Economist, Mr Harley Dale, said that the dire shortage of housing stock would place further pressure on already very tight rental markets in 2008. 澳大利亚最高房产建设局HIA,2007年将会是澳大利亚连续第五个房产弱势年。
- Housing stock transactions resulted from the development of housing management departments in the financial sector, and based on real estate market conditions biennially. 存量住房交易指导价,由房管部门会同财政部门制定,并根据房地产市场情况每两年调整一次。
- U.S. real estate brokers Association reported that April housing stock market indicators rose to 4.2 months vacant, March unamended indicators for 4.0 months. 全美地产经纪商协会的报告称,4月份市场上的住房库存空置指标升至4.;2个月,3月份未经修正的指标为4
- According to relevant statistics show that the current real estate market in Beijing aggregate 310 million square metres of housing stock, amounting to 3.1 million sets. 据相关资料统计显示,目前北京房地产市场存量房总计3.;1亿平方米,折合310万套。
- The economic costs of major capital expenditures to enhance the quality of housing stock and recreation are so great that host cities cannot afford expenditures that will be inefficient and lack meaningful subsequent uses. 提高房屋储备和娱乐活动的质量的主要资本开支的经济成本十分巨大,主办城市是承担不起将变得低效而又缺乏有意义的后继用途的开支的。
- Total housing stock in 2001 amounted to 2140029 flats, comprising 684709 public rental housing flats, 403320 subsidised home ownership flats and 1052000 flats in the private sector. 二零零一年,本港共有2140029个房屋单位,当中684709个为公营租住房屋、403320个为资助自置居所、1052000个为私营房屋。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- Instead of getting to the bottom of the problem, which is that of finding ways to increase the affordable housing stock in the city, successive governments have resorted to piecemeal solutions. 没有触及问题的根本,也就是要设法增加城市市民可以买的起的住房,历届政府都采取了零敲碎打的办法。