- Housing Society volunteers refurbish the homes for the elderly. 房协的义工为长者粉饰家居。
- This programme includes both public rental and HOS units built by the Housing Authority, as well as Housing Society flats. 该计划的目标是由一九九七年起的五年内,平均每年提供五万个单位,当中包括房屋委员会兴建的租住公屋、居屋和房屋协会的单位。
- Hong Kong Housing Society reserves the right to reject unsuitable announcements. 房协保留最终发布与否的权利。
- This programme includes both public rental and HOS units built by the Housing Authority,as well as Housing Society flats. 该计划的目标是由一九九七年起的五年内,平均每年提供五万个单位,当中包括房屋委员会兴建的租住公屋、居屋和房屋协会的单位。
- We are working out the details with the Housing Society with a view to announcing the implementation arrangements shortly. 我们正与房协就这项计划的细节进行磋商,并会在短期内公布实施的详情。
- During the consultation, the public supported the idea that the Housing Authority and the Housing Society should act as rehousing agents for the URA. 谘询期间,公众表示支持由房屋协会及房屋委员会替市区重建局代理安置工作。
- Two final year Geography students, Leung Siu-ting and Chan Kin-wing, were awarded a scholarship and a bursary, respectively, by the Hong Kong Housing Society. 浸大地理系三年级梁少婷和陈建荣同学最近分别获香港房屋协会颁发奖学金和助学金。
- A surveying firm founded by the chairman of the Housing Society, David Lee, has been liquidated due to financial problems stemming from a commercial dispute. 房屋协会主席李颂熹创办的一间测量师公司,因商业纠纷,清盘结业。
- The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is an independent organisation established in 1948 which plans and builds affordable housing of high quality for rent or sale to specific target groups. 香港房屋协会(房协)是一个独立机构,于一九四八年成立,负责策划及兴建优质的房挝垃以负担得来的价格出租或售予本港一些特定入息组别的人士。
- The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation established in 1948. It plans and builds quality housing for rent or sale to specific target groups at affordable rents or prices. 香港房屋协会是独立非牟利机构,于一九四八年成立,负责策划和兴建优质房屋,并以住户可以负担的租金或价格,把房屋出租或出售予特定类别的人士。
- The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is an independent,not-for-profit organisation established in 1948. It plans and builds quality housing for rent or sale to specific target groups at affordable rents or prices. 香港房屋协会是独立非牟利机构,于一九四八年成立,负责策划和兴建优质房屋,并以住户可以负担的租金或价格,把房屋出租或出售予特定类别的人士。
- These measures,together with the freezing of rent and other charges by the Housing Authority,the Housing Society and the two railway corporations,came to a total value of $20 billion. 这些措施,连同房屋委员会、房屋协会及两间铁路公司所冻结的租金和收费,总额达二百亿港元。
- I have therefore asked the Secretary for Housing to consult all interested parties,including the Housing Authority,Housing Society and representatives of the property and banking sectors,and to reach a conclusion on this issue as soon as possible. 我已促请房屋局局长谘询各有关方面的意见,包括房屋委员会、房屋协会以及地产界和银行界的代表。我预期房屋局局长会尽早达成结论。
- The SAR government will allocate funds for the Housing Society to increase the loan to "home starters" this year by HK$3.6 billion for an additional 6,000 first-time property buyers. 特区政府将会在本年度增加36亿元拨款给房屋协会,为额外六千名首次置业人士提供贷款。
- I have therefore asked the Secretary for Housing to consult all interested parties, including the Housing Authority, Housing Society and representatives of the property and banking sectors, and to reach a conclusion on this issue as soon as possible. 我已促请房屋局局长谘询各有关方面的意见,包括房屋委员会、房屋协会以及地产界和银行界的代表。我预期房屋局局长会尽早达成结论。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。
- I think we have to revitalize our society. 我觉得我们的社会需要新生。