- He was reported under house arrest. 据报导,他给软禁起来了。
- He was under house arrest until the day of his trial. 直到受审之日为止,他一直被软禁着。
- Xihe puts Chang-e under house arrest and turns Hou Yi into a full-fledged mortal who is to be reincarnated as a beast after death. 大殿上,后羿与嫦娥被带到,才知已经被九哥出卖,但后羿与嫦娥拒不认错,与羲和抗争,天帝虽然有心袒护,但碍于羲和,却也无可奈何。最后只靠天帝出面,才勉强保住两人性命。
- Local officials in Henan under house arrest. 但她的情况得到国际关注后,他们不得允许她旅游。
- Some of them were placed under house arrest. 他们有些人遭到了软禁。
- Papi, what part of "house arrest". 爸爸 你真的不明白"软禁"的意思吗?
- The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest. 当局谴责那位持不同政见的作家是国家的敌人,并且将他软禁起来,使他受苦受难。
- The opposition leader have is under house arrest for six year. 反对党领袖被软禁了6年。
- He made it to the rally by defying an order for his house arrest. 他在拒绝服从软禁令时对公众发表上述言论。
- They placed their president under house arrest after the successful coup. 他们在政变成功后将总统软禁了起来。
- No publicly available laws or regulations governed conditions for house arrest. 没有公开可利用的法律或规章管理软禁行为。
- The police did not take her away,but she was put under house arrest until the time of her trial. 警察没有把她带走,但是她被软禁了,等待审讯。
- After seizing the throne, Cixi had the emperor put under house arrest on Ying'Tai. 慈禧夺权后,就将光绪皇帝幽禁在瀛台。
- They are probably under house arrest by now, and the German will have them by the neck before the week is out. 现在他们可能已经被软禁起来了,不出这个星期,德国人就会把他们都吊死。
- The opposition leader has been under house arrested for six years. 反对党领袖被软禁了6年。
- He was again forbidden to publish and required to live practically under house arrest. 他再度被禁止发表东西,而且被迫度着实际上是软禁的生活。
- Many Supreme Court and Provincial High Court Justices are now effectively under house arrest. 许多高等法院与暂时高级法院的法官都遭到软禁。
- He was again forbidden to publish and required to live practically under house arrest . 他再度被禁止发表东西,而且被迫度着实际上是软禁的生活。
- The opposition leader had been under house arrested for six months. 反对党领袖被软禁了6个月
- In 1975, the Indian army had dissolved Sikkim King's palace armed escort, then put him under house arrest. 1975年,印度军队解散锡金国王的宫廷卫队,软禁了锡金国王。