- Monetizing housing allocation system in our province has begun to gradually take shape. 住房分配货币化制度在我省已开始逐步形成。
- The replacement of house allocation with house purchasing has made a breakthrough in the reform of the distribution system. 实行住房分配的货币化,突破了分配制度改革的一个重要领域。
- The in-warehouse goods allocation system is one of the key points to improve the efficiency of AS/RS. 摘要入库货位分配系统是影响自动化立体仓库运行效率的关键因素之一。
- Under the new housing system in recent years pilot enterprises, further expand the pilot enterprises monetizing housing allocation. 根据近几年企业住房分配货币化的试点情况,进一步扩大了企业住房分配货币化的试点。
- The allocation system of leaving lands is the special outcome on the condition of China land factor fluxion not basing on market. 内容提要:留地安置制度是中国土地要素流动非市场化条件之下的特殊产物。
- As our country"s water resources allocation system defects, was wanton waste of water resources and faced with a serious shortage phenomenon. 由于我国水资源配置的制度缺陷,水资源遭到肆意浪费并面临着严重短缺的现象。
- Zhao Jianshi,et al.Theory and model of water resources complex adaptive allocation system[J].Acta Geographica Sinica,2002,57(6):639-647. [6]赵建世;等.;水资源复杂适应系统配置的理论与模型[J]
- Introduced "monetizing housing allocation", he seems to be farther away from the house. 实行了“住房分配货币化”之后,房子距离自己似乎更远了。
- At the end of Primary 6,all pupils in schools participating in the Government's Secondary School Places Allocation System are provided free Secondary 1 places. 参加中学学位分配办法的小学,所有学生均可在修毕小六课程后获分配免费中一学位。
- At the end of Primary 6,all pupils in schools participating in the Government's Secondary School Places Allocation System are provided with free Secondary 1 places. 所有在参加中学学位分配办法小学就读的学生,均可在修毕小六课程后获分配免费中一学额。
- Introduced the so-called "monetizing housing allocation," and many people finally see no room, the house seems to be more distant from their own. 实行了所谓“住房分配货币化”之后,许多无房者终于看清,房子距离自己似乎更加遥远了。
- After 20 centuries 90's, chinese individual commercial housing become blossom as the housing government allocation system turn to market drive purchase system. 20世纪90年代后,中国逐步由政府分配住房的制度转向市场驱动的购房制度,于是,私人商品房建筑业随之兴旺起来。
- In fact, the introduction of the MELD allocation system in Brazil has not resulted in a reduction of waiting list mortality, which hoers around 20% annually. 实际上,巴西MELD分配系统的引进并没有降低长时间等待所造成的死亡率,该死亡率每年都徘徊在20%25左右。
- Monetizing housing allocation system is fully implemented, the rate is as high as 69% owned housing. 63.8% of people think that the housing reform policy has been progressively implemented ; 住房分配货币化制度全面实施,住房自有率高达69%25。63.8%25的人认为房改政策得到了逐步落实;
- Monetizing housing allocation implementation plan, expected to be made before the end of March this year. 住房分配货币化实施计划,有望在今年3月底前亮相。
- We should also improve relevant financial transfer and payment system and the allocation system at various levels and at the same time strengthen supervision and management of fund utilization. 完善有关的财政转移支付制度和各级财政拨款制度,加强资金使用的监督管理。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- To steadily monetizing housing allocation, to take our first pilot to point to an area of work. 为了稳步推进住房分配货币化,我市采取试点先行,以点带面的工作思路。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- Its central content is to abolish benefit housing allocation, and at the same time to increase housing expense amounts in employee salaries. 其核心内容就是取消福利性分房,同时加大职工工资中的住房消费含量。